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Code Translation, Summarization & Synthesis

First edit the code/scripts/ file, change the ROOT_PATH to your own directory. Then place the unzipped dataset at ROOT_PATH/g4g/XLCoST_data/.

To run the code-to-code translation experiments:

cd code/scripts
# train snippet level java-python translation on GPU 0 with CodeBERT
bash 0 java python snippet codebert train
# train program level csharp-cpp translation on GPU 2 with PLBART
bash 2 csharp cpp snippet plbart train
# evaluate program level csharp-cpp translation on GPU 2 with CodeT5
bash 2 csharp cpp snippet codet5 train

To run the code-to-text and text-to-code generation experiments:

cd code/scripts
# train java-description program summarization on GPU 0 with CodeBERT
bash 0 java desc program codebert train
# train description-java program synthesis on GPU 2 with PLBART
bash 2 desc python program plbart eval
# train python-comment snippet summarization on GPU 2 with CodeT5
bash 2 java comment snippet codet5 eval
# train comment-python snippet synthesis on GPU 2 with CodeT5
bash 2 comment python snippet codet5 train

Translation Results

Snippet Level

CodeBLEU Model C++ Java Python C# JS PHP C
C++ Naive Copy - 64.56 34.79 63.19 53.16 42.56 84.2
CodeBERT - 84.94 74.55 84.99 82.79 68.56 45.46
PLBART - 83.85 74.89 84.57 83.19 68.62 83.95
CodeT5 - 86.35 76.28 85.85 84.31 69.87 90.45
Java Naive Copy 70.85 - 35 78.43 57.81 42.49 69.74
CodeBERT 87.27 - 58.39 92.26 84.63 67.26 39.94
PLBART 87.31 - 58.3 90.78 85.42 67.44 72.47
CodeT5 88.26 - 74.59 92.56 86.22 69.02 82.78
Python Naive Copy 39.22 31.89 - 31.79 38.34 36.02 37.79
CodeBERT 80.46 58.5 - 54.72 57.38 65.14 10.7
PLBART 80.15 74.15 - 73.5 73.2 66.12 62.15
CodeT5 81.56 78.61 - 78.89 77.76 67.54 68.67
C# Naive Copy 69.78 78.71 34.77 - 57.85 42.53 66.73
CodeBERT 86.96 90.15 56.92 - 84.38 67.18 40.43
PLBART 84.98 6.27 69.82 - 85.02 67.3 75.74
CodeT5 88.06 91.69 73.85 - 85.95 68.97 81.09
JS Naive Copy 60.82 59.25 38.84 64.27 - 41.56 55.84
CodeBERT 84.38 84.42 52.57 84.74 - 66.66 33.29
PLBART 84.45 84.9 69.29 85.05 - 67.09 72.65
CodeT5 85.06 85.48 73.15 85.96 - 68.42 80.49
PHP Naive Copy 36.33 35.61 24.62 36.67 35.55 - 35.95
CodeBERT 82.58 81.57 69.29 80.96 79.94 - 28.45
PLBART 83.87 81.66 71.17 78 82.94 - 57.39
CodeT5 86.33 85.12 73.22 84.56 83.56 - 79.3
C Naive Copy 83.93 65.46 38.49 63.05 55.55 41.85 -
CodeBERT 45.84 39.69 13.55 39.71 29.85 38.88 -
PLBART 82.53 72.35 49.16 75.78 75.05 60.86 -
CodeT5 90.26 81.81 63.81 83.05 79.73 66.32 -

Program Level

CodeBLEU Model C++ Java Python C# JS PHP C
C++ Naive Copy - 57.36 17.68 58.02 53.16 18.97 75.91
CodeBERT - 74.73 24.96 76.35 72.95 50.4 21.84
PLBART - 75.26 70.13 78.01 61.85 67.01 72.59
CodeT5 - 80.03 71.56 81.73 79.48 70.44 85.67
Java Naive Copy 64.25 - 39.87 72.68 57.81 42.51 62.48
CodeBERT 79.36 - 8.51 84.43 76.02 51.42 21.22
PLBART 81.41 - 66.29 83.34 80.14 67.12 63.37
CodeT5 84.26 - 69.57 87.79 80.67 69.44 78.78
Python Naive Copy 37.47 29.78 - 27.59 38.42 35.48 35.66
CodeBERT 68.87 28.22 - 17.8 23.65 49.3 18.32
PLBART 74.38 67.8 - 66.03 69.3 64.85 29.05
CodeT5 78.85 73.15 - 73.35 71.8 67.5 56.35
C# Naive Copy 64 73.63 40.09 - 57.79 42.96 60.87
CodeBERT 78.52 82.25 10.82 - 75.46 51.76 21.63
PLBART 80.17 81.37 67.02 - 79.81 67.12 57.6
CodeT5 83.59 85.7 69.52 - 80.5 69.63 77.35
JS Naive Copy 53.81 51.77 42.31 54.86 - 42.11 49.04
CodeBERT 75.43 72.33 9.19 75.47 - 52.08 19.79
PLBART 80.19 76.96 64.18 78.51 - 67.24 67.7
CodeT5 82.14 79.91 68.42 81.77 - 68.76 74.57
PHP Naive Copy 34.62 31.33 25.68 32.81 32.26 - 33.45
CodeBERT 50.13 46.81 16.92 49.75 48.12 - 22.19
PLBART 79.4 72.77 61.26 74.16 44.26 - 56.23
CodeT5 85.55 82.09 72.26 83.79 81.72 - 65.86
C Naive Copy 78.4 59.41 20.2 59.83 53.54 19.75 -
CodeBERT 21.7 21.27 21.1 19.5 15.64 31.71 -
PLBART 78.42 13.45 5.53 45.15 31.47 25.17 -
CodeT5 88.17 **76.

Code Summarization Results

Snippet Level

BLEU Model C++ Java Python C# JS PHP C
Code Summarization CodeBERT 14.4 13.13 3.96 14.07 11.81 11.25 5.84
PLBART 14.77 13.76 8 14.37 10.93 9.07 7.5
CodeT5 17.36 16.69 10.76 17.44 14.34 13.42 6.63

Program Level

BLEU Model C++ Java Python C# JS PHP C
Code Summarization CodeBERT 7.68 5.47 2.04 7.58 7.67 7.5 6.64
PLBART 7.65 6.35 4.86 9.23 6.78 6.03 4.14
CodeT5 9.62 8.82 6.32 7.75 8.23 10.5 12.84

Code Synthesis Results

Snippet Level

CodeBLEU Model C++ Java Python C# JS PHP C
Code Synthesis CodeBERT 22.7 25.53 12.26 23.44 23.87 36.47 10.63
PLBART 34.89 32.23 4.62 29.36 29.63 37.56 22.88
CodeT5 35.48 33.51 21.1 30.64 29.99 36.37 21.93

Program Level

CodeBLEU Model C++ Java Python C# JS PHP C
Code Synthesis CodeBERT 26.51 31.14 24.5 33.37 29.09 39.84 18.08
PLBART 44.09 41.55 33.77 40.7 38.33 43.01 6.72
CodeT5 45.18 42.73 35.02 43.6 38.66 45.02 34.88