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DevConsole Operator

Go Report Card Docker Repository on Quay Docker Repository on Quay


The DevConsole operator enables a developer-focused view in the OpenShift 4 web console. It provides a view switcher to transition between Administrator, the traditional administration focused console, to a new Developer perspective.

This new Developer perspective provides a high-level of abstraction over Kubernetes and OpenShift primitives to allow developers to focus on their application development.

Key Features

The Developer perspective is under active development. These are the main features being developed:

  • Add: Use this page to create and build an application using one of the following methods:

    • Import source code from Git
    • Deploy an existing image
    • Browse the catalog to deploy or connect application services
    • Deploy quick-starts or samples
  • Topology: The landing page that shows the application structure and health in an easy-to-use graphic representation.

  • Builds: This page lists the OpenShift BuildConfig resources for the selected project.

  • Pipelines: This page lists the Tekton Pipeline resources for the selected project.

Installing the latest console with the developer perspective as a non-admin user

To install the latest console with the developer perspective:

  1. Clone the devconsole repository locally.

  2. Change directory to the hack/install_devconsole directory and run the script:


    The script:

    • Installs the latest console with the developer perspective
    • Installs the devconsole operator or prompts you if it already exists
    • Creates a non-admin user with the suitable rolebinding
    • Prompts you with the credentials to log in to the console
  3. Log in and create a new project.

  4. Run oc get csvs in the suitable namespace to see the installed operator.


This repository was initially bootstrapped using the Operator Framework SDK and the project requires Go version 1.11 or above.



To build the operator use:

make build


  • To run unit test use:

    make test
  • To run e2e test:

    Start Minishift and run:

    make test-e2e-local

    Note: The e2e test deploys the operator in the project devconsole-e2e-test. If your tests timeout and you want to debug, run:

    oc project devconsole-e2e-test
    oc get deployment,pod
    oc logs pod/devconsole-operator-<pod_number>



Set up Minishift (a one time task):

  1. Create a new profile to test the operator.
    minishift profile set devconsole
  2. Enable the admin-user add-on.
    minishift addon enable admin-user
  3. Start the instance.
    make minishift-start

NOTE: Eventually this setup will be deprecated in favor of Code Ready Containers installation.

Deploying the operator in dev mode

  1. In dev mode, simply run your operator locally:

    make local

    Note: To watch all namespaces, APP_NAMESPACE is set to empty string. If a specific namespace is provided only that project is watched. As we reuse openshift's imagestreams for build, we need to access all namespaces.

  2. Make sure minishift is running.

  3. Clean previously created resources:

    make deploy-clean
  4. Deploy the CR.

    make deploy-test
  5. Check the freshly created resources.

    oc get all,dc,svc,dc,bc,route,cp,gitsource,gitsourceanalysis

Deploying the operator with Deployment yaml

  1. (Optional) Build the operator image and make it available in the Minishift internal registry.

    oc new-project devconsole
     $(minishift docker-env)
    operator-sdk build $(minishift openshift registry)/devconsole/devconsole-operator

    Note: To avoid pulling the image and use the docker cached image instead for local dev, in the operator.yaml, replace imagePullPolicy: Always with imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent.

  2. Deploy the CR, role, and rbac in the devconsole namespace:

    make deploy-rbac
    make deploy-crd
    make deploy-operator

    Note: Make sure deploy/operator.yaml points to your local image:

  3. Watch the operator pod:

    oc logs pod/devconsole-operator-5b4bbc7d-89crs -f
  4. In a different shell, test CR in a different project (local-test):

    make deploy-test

    Note: Use make deploy-clean to delete local-test project and start fresh.

  5. Check if the resources are created:

    oc get all,dc,svc,dc,bc,route,cp,gitsource,gitsourceanalysis

Directory layout

See Operator-SDK documentation in order to learn about this project's structure:

File/Folders Purpose
cmd Contains manager/main.go which is the main program of the operator. This instantiates a new manager which registers all custom resource definitions under pkg/apis/... and starts all controllers under pkg/controllers/....
pkg/apis Contains the directory tree that defines the APIs of the Custom Resource Definitions(CRD). Users are expected to edit the pkg/apis/<group>/<version>/<kind>_types.go files to define the API for each resource type and import these packages in their controllers to watch for these resource types.
pkg/controller Contains the controller implementations. Users are expected to edit the pkg/controller/<kind>/<kind>_controller.go to define the controller's reconcile logic for handling a resource type of the specified kind.
build Contains the Dockerfile and build scripts used to build the operator.
deploy Contains various YAML manifests for registering CRDs, setting up RBAC, and deploying the operator as a Deployment.
Gopkg.toml Gopkg.lock The dep manifests that describe the external dependencies of this operator.
vendor The golang Vendor folder that contains the local copies of the external dependencies that satisfy the imports of this project. dep manages the vendor directly.

Enabling the Developer perspective in OpenShift

The frontend must check for the presence of the devconsole Custom Resource Definition named using the Kubernetes API. This CRD enables the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Console.

Refer to the OLM test README to run the end to end (E2E) tests.