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Shoubhik Bose edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 7 revisions

Developer Console

The following steps describe how anyone could get their hands on the developer console / perspective on an OpenShift 4 cluster.

(Re)Installing OpenShift Console on an OpenShift 4 cluster

Disable CVO operator management

OpenShift Console is managed by a CVO operator named console-operator.

Clone the repo locally and run

oc apply -f unmanage.yaml

Shutdown the console

Scale down existing deployments of console-operator

oc scale --replicas 0 deployment console-operator --namespace openshift-console-operator

Validate that there are no console-operator- pods

oc get pods -n openshift-console-operator

Scale down existing deployments of console

oc scale --replicas 0 deployment console --namespace openshift-console

Validate that there are no console- pods. Leave the download- pods as is.

oc get pods -n openshift-console

Reconfigure the console

Update the console-operator deployment

oc apply -f redeploy-console-operator.yaml

Validate that the console-operator deployment has scaled up to 1

oc get pods -n openshift-console-operator

Start the console

After the pods are running, scale up the openshift-console deployment

oc scale --replicas 1 deployment console --namespace openshift-console

Validate that the console-operator deployment has scaled up to 1

oc get pods -n openshift-console

Installing the dev console operator on OpenShift 4

oc apply -f

The above steps are being validated and refined as part of . Please provide your feedback!