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Building Powerful Applications with Weaviate and Red Hat OpenShift: A Retrieval-Augmented Generation Workflow

What we will build.



The RAG demonstration is built on the Weaviate quick start example that vectorizes and imports a few Jeopardy-style questions using a Hugging Face text-to-vector module. Using Weaviate's Python SDK, similarity searches are performed in vector space which are used to construct a prompt that inferences a large language model hosted by OpenAI. The Weaviate database is installed on Openshift as a stateful set providing a data parallel enterprise deployment. For the application developer, Openshift DevSpaces offers a full IDE experience within a Kubernetes environment. Finally, a simple example application based on Hugging Face's Gradio framework provides a front-end to an end user.

What's needed:

Why run Weaviate On Openshift?

  • Support for Distributed Architectures.
  • A Great Developer Experience (Easily move code -> containers)
  • Access your cluster via the Weaviate Cloud Console with external routes.
  • Security (Doesn't run your containers as root)

Developer Tools: Eclipse-Che/DevSpaces

  • A full IDE experience with a code debugger.
  • Leverage many VSCode extensions.
  • In cluster terminal with CLI access to the Openshift API.
  • Deploy and test your app with port forwarding.
  • GitHub integration improves workflow efficiency.
  • Environment variables are read in as secrets.
  • DevSpaces is a no-cost add-on to Openshift

Getting Started

Setup DevSpaces for Python Development

  1. VSCode Extensions -> Confirm the Python IntelliSense extension is installed and enabled.

  2. View -> Command Palette -> Enter: dev spaces: open openshift console.

  3. Use the Openshift Web UI to create a secret with environment variables.

    • Secrets -> Create and Save a new secret (from yaml) using this example. You may have to add a metadata.namespace field that contains your Developer Sandbox namespace and choose Create.
    • Edit -> Scroll down to the data section and change the values in the secret to match your environment variables needed for the API keys and Weaviate URL then save.
    • Now choose Add Secret to workload. DevSpaces will likely restart.
  4. Create a new python virtual environment

    • Terminal -> New Terminal*
    • python -m venv .venv
    • source .venv/bin/activate
    • pip install -r src/requirments.txt
  5. Follow these instructions to install Weaviate.

  6. Run a few python test clients from the src directory. Clients 06 and 07 are WIP and require the wikipedia parquet data file.

python src/
python src/

Move the app into production.

  1. From the terminal, create an Openshift application.
oc new-app python~ --context-dir=/src --name=rag
  1. Add the secret to the deployment.
oc set env --from=secret/che-env-vars deployment/rag
  1. Expose the app with a route.
oc create route edge --service rag --insecure-policy='Redirect'

Clean up

oc delete all --selector=app=rag
helm uninstall weaviate

Remove the Openshift storage.

oc delete pvc weaviate-data-weaviate-0 weaviate-data-weaviate-1

Additional ways to get access to Openshift.


Deploy a LLM with a custom data source





