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KNI Templates

This repository is meant to gather templates for the Kubernetes Native Infrastructure model. These templates represent a way to declare descriptive infrastructure across several footprints (AWS, Libvirt, Baremetal, etc).


You will need to create an account on This is needed to have download access to the OpenShift installer artifacts. After that, you will need to download the Pull Secret from - Step 4: Deploy the Cluster

How to deploy

There is a Makefile on the root directory of this project. In order to deploy you will need to use the following syntax:

make <target> CREDENTIALS=<path_to_private_repo> SETTINGS=file:///<path_to_sample_settings>

Content of private repo

This repository is needed to store private credentials. It is recommended that you store those credentials on a private repo where only allowed people have access. Each setting is stored in individual files in the repository:

  • ssh-pub-key # public key to be used for SSH access into the nodes
  • coreos-pull-secret # place the file that you created before
  • aws-access-key-id # just for AWS deploy, key id that you created in AWS
  • aws-secret-access-key # just for AWS deploy, secret for the key id

How to deploy for AWS

Before starting the deploy, please read the following documentation to prepare the AWS account properly:

One of the targets for Makefile is AWS cloud. There are two different footprints: 1 master/1 worker, and 3 masters/3 workers. So two targets exist: 1-node and 3-node. So makefile needs to be called with:

make [aws-1-node|aws-3-node] CREDENTIALS=<path_to_private_repo> SETTINGS=file:///<path_to_sample_settings>

A sample settings.yaml file has been created specifically for AWS targets. It needs to look like:

  baseDomain: "<base_domain>"
  clusterName: "<cluster_name>"
  clusterCIDR: ""
  clusterSubnetLength: 9
  machineCIDR: ""
  serviceCIDR: ""
  SDNType: "OpenShiftSDN"
  AWSRegion: "<aws_region_to_deploy>"


  • <base_domain> is the DNS zone matching with the one created on Route53
  • <cluster_name> is the name you are going to give to the cluster
  • <aws_region_to_deploy> is the region where you want your cluster to deploy

SETTINGS can be a path to local file, or an url, will be queried with curl.

The make process will create the needed artifacts and will start the deployment of the specified cluster

How to deploy for Libvirt

First of all, we need to prepare a host in order to configure libvirt, iptables, permissions, etc. So far this is a manual process:

Unfortunately, Libvirt is only for development purposes from the OpenShift perspective, so the binary is not compiled with the libvirt bits by default. The user will have to compile it by his/her own version with libvirt enabled. The link pasted above, also contains the instructions to compile the installer with the correct tags. Once it is compiled correctly, you will have to point to the binary from the execution command (make).

There is only one target for Livirt right now, and it will deploy 1 Master VM and 1 Worker VM.

make libvirt-1-node CREDENTIALS=<path_to_private_repo> SETTINGS=file:///<path_to_sample_settings> INSTALLER_PATH=file:///<path_to_openshift_installer>

A sample settings.yaml file has been created specifically for Libvirt targets. It needs to look like:

  baseDomain: "<base_domain>"
  clusterName: "<cluster_name>"
  clusterCIDR: ""
  clusterSubnetLength: 9
  machineCIDR: ""
  serviceCIDR: ""
  SDNType: "OpenShiftSDN"
  libvirtURI: "<libvirt_host_ip>"


  • <base_domain> is the DNS zone matching with the entry created in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/openshift.conf during the libvirt-howto machine setup. (tt.testing by default)
  • <cluster_name> is the name you are going to give to the cluster
  • <libvirt_host_ip> is the host IP where libvirt is configured (i.e. qemu+tcp://

The rest of the options are exactly the same as in an AWS deployment.

How to use the cluster

After the deployment finishes, a kubeconfig file will be placed inside build/auth directory:

export KUBECONFIG=./build/auth/kubeconfig

Then cluster can be managed with oc. You can get the client on this link

  • Step 5: Access your new cluster.

How to destroy the cluster

In order to destroy the running cluster, and clean up environment, just use make clean command.

Building and consuming your own installer

The openshift-installer binaries are published on For faster deploy, you can grab the instalelr from here. However, there may be situations where you need to compile your own installer (such as the case of libvirt), or you need a newer version. In that case, you can build it following the instructions on

Then you can export the path to the new installer before running make:

export INSTALLER_PATH=http://<url_to_binary>/openshift-install

Customization: use your own manifests

openshift-installer is also able to produce manifests, that end users can modify and deploy a cluster with the modified settings. New manifests can be generated with:

/path/to/openshift-install create manifests

This will generate a pair of folders: manifests and openshift. Those manifests can be modified with the desired values. After that this code can be executed to generate a new cluster based on the modified manifests:

/path/to/openshift-install create cluster