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rednib v0.0.2 Build Status

rednib takes any object and makes it observable.

var pojo = {};

var onFoo = function () { console.log('onFoo'); };

pojo.bind('foo', onFoo);
pojo.trigger('foo', onFoo);  // logs 'onFoo'
pojo.unbind('bar', onBar);  // omit the handler to remove all 'bar' handlers

The following will be added to your observable objects:

  • bind (Function)
  • unbind (Function)
  • trigger (Function)
  • _handlers (Array)

If you would prefer different function names, you can alias them.

rednib.alias('bind', 'when');
rednib.alias('trigger', 'broadcast');
rednib.alias('unbind', 'forget');

pojo.when('foo', onFoo);
pojo.broadcast('foo', onFoo);  // logs 'onFoo'
pojo.forget('foo', onFoo);


More Info

You an assign multiple handlers at once with an object.

  foo: function () {},
  bar: function () {},
  baz: function () {}

rednib, bind, trigger, and unbind all return the observable object, so they can be chained.

  bind('foo', function () { console.log('yo'); }).

alias returns the rednib object, so you can chain alias calls.

rednib.alias('bind', 'when').alias('trigger', 'broadcast');

// To demonstrate, you can do the following, though I don't know why you would.
rednib.alias('bind', 'whenISay')({}).whenISay('hey', function () { console.log('ho!')}).trigger('hey').unbind('hey');

You can include data when triggering an event.

obj.on('foo', function (data) {
  // do something with data

obj.trigger('foo', { bar: true, baz: false });


Please create an issue for feature requests or to report bugs.

Coming Soon

  • once
  • handler scope