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Jeremy Greer edited this page Sep 8, 2014 · 2 revisions

To define new tests, use willy.define. The function should return an expression used to determine if the test passes or fails.

willy.define(function beASubstringOf() {
    return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;

will('potato').beASubstringOf('Bender Bending Rodriguez');
// expected 'potato' to be a substring of 'Bender Bending Rodriguez'

Inside every test function

  • this.actual is the value passed to will()
  • this.expected is the optional value passed to the test


Pass an object to willy.define to give you more options. The object's properties should be:

  • fn - The function used to perform the test.
  • explanation (optional) - An explanation of what you were testing. If omitted, the test's name will be converted.
  • name (optional) - The name of your test. This can usually be figured out, but ocassionally you may want to be explicit.

Changing the Explanation

// providing a better explanation
    fn: function beASubstringOf() {
        return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;
    explanation: 'be found inside of'

will('potato').beASubstringOf('Bender Bending Rodriguez');
// expected 'potato' to be found inside of 'Bender Bending Rodriguez'

Changing the Name

// providing a different name
    fn: function () {
        return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;
    name: 'lieWithin'

will('potato').lieWithin('Bender Bending Rodriguez');
// expected 'potato' to lie within 'Bender Bending Rodriguez'

Bulk Definitions

If you're lazy, use willy.loadDefinitions to define multiple tests at a time.

    beASubstringOf: {
        fn: function () {
            return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;
        explanation: 'be found inside of'

    lieWithin: {
        fn: function () {
            return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;

Modularize It

For supreme laziness, keep your custom tests in a Node module.


exports.beASubstringOf = {
    fn: function () {
        return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;
    explanation: 'be found inside of'

exports.lieWithin = {
    fn: function () {
        return this.expected.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;

A Test Suite

var willy = require('willy'),
    will = willy.will;


describe('a test suite', function () {
    it('should be pretty easy to share custom tests', function () {
        will('potato').lieWithin('Bender Bending Rodriguez');
        // expected 'potato' to lie within 'Bender Bending Rodriguez'
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