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WhatsApp Cloud API SDK


Dependency-free WhatsApp Cloud API SDK for Node.js.

NPM Package Tests Linting and Formatting

Getting Started

Are you ready to send WhatsApp messages? Learn how to do it efficiently and easily.


Install from NPM

npm install @refactoring/whatsapp-sdk

Usage Example

import { Client } from "@refactoring/whatsapp-sdk";

(async () => {
  const client = new Client({
    accessToken: 'Enter your bearer token here',
    cloudApiVersion: 'v15.0',
    phoneNumberId: 000000000000000,

  await client.sendText({ body: 'Hello world from Mars!' }, '10000000000');


This package has been inspired by the official WhatsApp Cloud API for Node.js. It includes several improvements and enhancements.

Made with ❤️ by Refactoring, SRL