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Regula.FaceSDK.WebClient - the C# library for the Regula FaceSDK Web API 3.0+

NuGet version (Regula.FaceSDK.WebClient) OpenAPI

Face recognition as easy as reading two bytes.

  • Face Matching - Compare the person holding the ID to the person pictured in the ID document (1:1)
  • Face Recognition - Find the person by his or her photo in databases / lists (1:N)
  • Liveness Detection - Perform liveness check using a selfie taken with the user’s smartphone.

If you have any problems with or questions about this client, please contact us through a GitHub issue. You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; We are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can. See dev guide.

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Standard 2.0
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later
  • .Net Core 2.0 or later

Install package

Regula.FaceSDK.WebClient is on the NuGet Package Index:

PM> Install-Package Regula.FaceSDK.WebClient -Version 5.2.0

Example of Face Matching

Performing request:

var face1 = File.ReadAllBytes("face_1.jpg");
var face2 = File.ReadAllBytes("face_2.jpg");

var matchImage1 = new MatchImage(data: face1, type: ImageSource.LIVE);
var matchImage2 = new MatchImage(data: face1, type: ImageSource.DOCUMENT_RFID);
var matchImage3 = new MatchImage(data: face2, type: ImageSource.LIVE);

var matchingRequest = new MatchRequest(
      false, new List<MatchImage> {matchImage1, matchImage2, matchImage3}

var matchingResponse = sdk.MatchingApi.Match(matchingRequest);

Parsing results:

foreach (var comparison in matchingResponse.Results)
   Console.WriteLine("pair({0}, {1}) similarity: {2}",
       comparison.FirstIndex, comparison.SecondIndex, comparison.Similarity);

You can find this sample in the example.