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…o automate web-based authorization (WIP)
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regular committed Jan 27, 2013
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request = require("request")
exec = require("child_process").exec
querystring = require("querystring")

endpoint_auth = ""
endpoint_token = ""

module.exports = (opts) ->
opts.redirect_uri or= "http://localhost:3000/callback"
opts.refresh_tokens or= []

Constructs a google OAuth2 request url using the provided opts.
Spawns an http server to handle the redirect. Once user authenticates
and the server parses the auth code, the server process is closed
(Assuming the user has closed the window. For future, add redirect after
authentication to a page with instructions to close tab/window).
Some scopes:

getAuthCode = (scope, openURICallback, callback) ->

# default: open the system's web browser
openURICallback or= (uri, cb) ->
#TODO: Make OS agnostic w/ xdg-open, open, etc.
exec "open '#{uri}'", cb

qs =
response_type: "code"
client_id: opts.client_id
redirect_uri: opts.redirect_uri
scope: scope

uri = endpoint_auth + "?" + querystring.stringify(qs)

parseCode = (req, res) ->
#for gdrive-cli:
#instead of just closing the connection, redirect to an informational page
console.log "Stopping server ..."

#split url by ? so we just have the querystring left
#extract out the auth code
callback null, querystring.parse(req.url.split("?")[1]).code

console.log "Starting server ..."
server = require("http").createServer((req, res) ->
parseCode req, res if req.url.match(/callback/)

openURICallback uri, (err) ->
callback err

Given the acquired authorization code and the provided opts,
construct a POST request to acquire the access token and refresh
@param {String} code Can be acquired with getAuthCode
getTokensForAuthCode = (code, callback) ->
form =
code: code
client_id: opts.client_id
client_secret: opts.client_secret
redirect_uri: opts.redirect_uri
grant_type: "authorization_code"
url: endpoint_token
form: form
, (err, req, body) ->
if err? then return callback err
callback null, JSON.parse(body)

Given a refresh token and provided opts, returns a new
access token. Tyically the access token is valid for an hour.
@param {String} refresh_token The refresh token. Can be acquired
through getTokensForAuthCode function.
getAccessTokenForRefreshToken = (refresh_token, callback) ->
form =
refresh_token: refresh_token
client_id: opts.client_id
client_secret: opts.client_secret
grant_type: "refresh_token"
url: endpoint_token
form: form
, (err, req, body) ->
if err? then callback err
callback null, JSON.parse(body)

Given google account name and password, use phantomJS to login a user into google services.
Afterwards navigate the browser to a given URL.
The purpose of this is to allow a command line tool to authorize
an application (or itself) to access the user's data.

automaticGoogleWebLogin = (username, password, followUpURI, cb) ->
childProcess = require "child_process"
phantomjs = require "phantomjs"
path = require "path"

childArgs = [
path.join(__dirname, "lib/")

child = childProcess.spawn phantomjs.path, childArgs

child.stdout.on "data", (data) ->
process.stdout.write data

child.stderr.on "data", (data) ->
process.stderr.write data

child.on "exit", (code) ->
console.log "phantomjs exited with code:", code
if code isnt 0
return cb "phantomjs exited with code #{code}", code
cb null

authorizeApplication = (username, password, scope, cb) ->
getAuthCode scope, (uri, cb) ->
automaticGoogleWebLogin username, password, uri, cb
, cb

Convenience dunction
Use this to get an access token for a specific scope
getAccessToken: (scope, cb) ->
refresh_token = opts.refresh_tokens[scope]
if refresh_token
getAccessTokenForRefreshToken refresh_token, cb
async.waterfall [
], (err, result) ->
# store the refresh_token for future use
opts.refresh_token[scope] = result?.refresh_token
cb err, result?.access_token

return {
authorizeApplication: authorizeApplication

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