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Checkmate is a flexible jQuery plugin for user input validation with qtip integration.


Just include jQuery 1.5+ (tested) and checkmate.js

##Validating a Single Text Input

//returns true or false depending on whether the regex is satisfied
	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

##Validating all Checkmate Objects on Page

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

//returns a boolean representign whether or not all checkmate objects on page are valid

##Validating a Set of Checkmate Objects

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

	match: /^\w+@\w+\.\w{2,4}$/,

//only validates first-name and last-name fields
$().checkmate('validate', [$("#first-name"), $("#last-name")] );

##Callback Methods

All callbacks are called with one argument, a boolean value representing whether or not the input is valid. All callbacks are called in the context of the checkmate object, 'this' will refer to $(this).

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,
	//called whenever validated from an outside state, ex: $().checkmate('validate');
	validate: function(match){
		console.log("validated " + match);
	//called whenever a keypress is made in 'first-name'.
	keypress: function(match){
		console.log("key pressed " + match);
	//called whenever 'first-name' looses focus
	focusout: function(match){
		console.log("focusout " + match);
	//called WHENEVER an action occurrs to 'first-name' or the 'first-name' checkmate object
	onaction: function(match){
		console.log("action " + match);

##Submit Listener

	match: /^\w+@\w+\.\w{2,4}$/,
	//'email' will be validated whenever 'submit-button' is pressed.
	//validate and onevent call backs will be called if present
	submit: $("#submit-button")

##Master Inputs

	match: /^\w{6,}$/,

//'verify-passord' will be considerd valid if it is equal to 'password' or 'password' is invalid
	master: $("#password")

##Optional Input

//'favorite-color' is valid if it either matches the regex or it is empty
	match: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/,
	require: false

##Custom Validation Logic

Instead of matching agains a regular expression, custom code can be used to determine if the input is valid. This means that checkmate isn't limited to text inputs.

	isvalid: function(){
		//AJAX code to determine if the username is alerady taken
		return username_is_available;

##Silent Validation

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

//similar to $().checkmate('validate') except callbacks are not invoked, with the exception of onaction

##Shared Settings

var common = {
	require: false,
	validate: function(valid){
		console.log(this.attr('id') + '=' + valid);

$("#name").checkmate($.extend({}, common, {
	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,

$("#email").checkmate($.extend({}, common, {
	match: /^\w+@\w+\.\w{2,4}$/,

##Qtip 2.0+ Integration

It might seem sloppy to have another extension sort of half integrated. But checkmate started around the idea of having qtip boxes popup around user inputs. All checkmate does is hide/show qtip objects already defined and attached to the same object that a checkmate object to atteched to.

####Create Qtip

	content: 'Name is Invalid',
	position: {
		my: 'center left',	
		at: 'center right',
	show: false,
	hide: false,
		tip: true,
		classes: 'ui-tooltip-dark'

####Create Chackmate

	match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,
	qtip: {
		validate: true,

The created Qtip will now appear whenever 'name' passes a validation and will dissapear whenever 'name' fails a validation.

####Qtip options

	validate: true, //show/hide on validation
	keypress: true, //show/hide on keypress
	focusout: true, //show/hide whenever focus is lost
	invert: true    //inverts the show/hide behavior

Qtips are not affected by a silent validation.


Input verification jQuery plugin






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