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Merge pull request #31 from jhelwig/provide-an-example-database-confi…
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Provide a sample database.yml
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igal committed Jul 9, 2011
2 parents d7819a8 + 3a777fe commit 8e9c8fe
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions config/database-sample.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# database.yml
# ============
# The `config/database.yml` file contains your custom settings for connecting
# the software to a database. You must create the databases you plan to use
# and add their connection details here to use the software.
# Format
# ------
# This file is split into sections describing different environments, each
# optimized for a different use. If you're only using the software, you
# only need to configure the "production" environment.
# Lines starting with an octothorpe ("#") are comments. Uncommented,
# unindented lines start a new environment (e.g., "production"). Indented
# lines below an unindented line are settings related to that environment.
# Example
# -------
# # Section describing the "production" environment, don't change this line:
# production:
# # Connect to a database named "citizenry":
# database: citizenry
# # Connect to this database as the "root" user:
# username: root
# # Connect to this database using "mypassword" as the password:
# password: mypassword
# # Use "utf8" as the database character encoding, don't change this line:
# encoding: utf8
# # Use a MySQL database, don't change this line:
# adapter: mysql
# Environments
# ------------
# The "production" environment is optimized for fast performance, like when
# you deploy the software for use in your organization. It is used when:
# * Starting a console with: rails console production
# * Starting a server with: rails server -e production
# * Running a rake task with: rake RAILS_ENV=production ...
database: citizenry
username: root
encoding: utf8
adapter: mysql

# The "development" environment is optimized for those developing the
# software and reloads code as it's modified. It is used when:
# * Starting a console with: rails console
# * Starting a server with: rails server
# * Running a rake task with: rake ...
database: citizenry_dev
username: root
encoding: utf8
adapter: mysql

# The "test" environment is used for running tests. WARNING: The database
# defined for this will be erased and re-generated from your development
# database when you run "rake". Do NOT set this db to the same as
# "development" or "production".
database: citizenry_test
username: root
encoding: utf8
adapter: mysql

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