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Reid H edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Market Mock Wiki!

Market Mock is a free, educational paper-trading platform designed with the aim to make learning about and practicing investing a fun and engaging experience through game-like elements such as quests and leaderboards.

Table of Contents



Quests in Market Mock serve as a guide to the "game," helping users learn the ropes of investing. They start simple, such as "add a ticker to your watchlist," and progressively become more challenging, like "double your money."

Technology Stack

Market Mock is built using the following technologies:

  • Frontend: React.js (TSX)
  • Backend: Node.js (TS)
  • Database: Local MySQL
  • Hosting: VPS by RackNerd
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Reverse Proxy / Load Balancing: nginx
  • Testing: Jest

Data Caching and API

Market Mock utilizes data caching to optimize third-party API requests. The system checks whether up-to-date information is stored; if not, it requests more data from Market Stack.

System Overview

The master diagram located in the top-level folder offers a comprehensive view of the entire system, from the database to the interface. It includes a page diagram, database diagram, and architecture diagram, providing a holistic understanding of the project's structure.

Contribution Process

We welcome contributions! Here are the steps to contribute to Market Mock:

  1. Create an Issue using one of the provided templates: Every change begins with creating an issue.
  2. Kanban Columns: Follow the project through the Kanban columns: Backlog, Sprint, In Progress, QA, DevOps, Done.
  3. Pull Request: Issues should have an associated pull request before closing.

Issue Labels/Templates:

  • Feature
  • Enhancement
  • Bug
  • Duplicate (no template)
  • Documentation


If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to contribute to Market Mock, please send an email to with the subject "Market Mock."


Market Mock is licensed under the MIT License. This means that you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software or any substantial portion of it. For more details, refer to the file in the repository.

You can read the full text and the permissions, limitations, and conditions of the MIT License here.