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Class rd_Utility


In a terminal or command line, navigate to your project folder:

npm install rd-utility-ahk

In your code include the following:

#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\node_modules\rd-regexp-ahk\rd_RegExp.ahk
#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\node_modules\rd-utility-ahk\rd_Utility.ahk

U := new rd_Utility()


rd_Utility is a utility class providing string, file and miscellaneous methods for Autohotkey.

All methods have function comments and if you're looking for examples check out the tests.

If you use the VS Code AutoHotkey Plus Plus extension, you might also want to check out Peak Definition (Alt+F12) or Go To Definition (F12).

These classes will throw an exception in case of a serious error by default which works well in combination with a global error handler. This behavior can be changed by setting rd_Utility.throwExceptions := false.


String Methods

Method Description
convertToWrap Converts formatted paragraphs with (CR)LF to wrap
uriEncode Uri encode (JavaScript like)
uriDecode Uri decode (JavaScript like)
putVar Copies string to memory address, UTF-16 compatible
expandEnvVars Expands all environment variables stored in string
expandAhkVars Expands all A_ variables stored in string
expandVariables Expands ${varname} variables in string
splitPath Splits path (Windows, URI) to object
buildFileName Change properties in path name (Windows, URI)
formatDateTime Transforms a time stamp into a specified date/time format

String Methods With Better Unicode Support

These string methods are experimental and handle Unicode surrogate pairs better than their corresponding Autohotkey functions:

This comes with a speed penalty though, see a benchmark here.

Method Description
strLength Returns string length, Handles Unicode surrogate pairs better than Strlen
strToArray Converts string to array, handles Unicode surrogate pairs better than StrSplit
substring Retrieves part of string, handles Unicode surrogate pairs better than Substr

File Methods

Method Description
fileRead Read contents of text file into variable
fileWrite Writes string to file (overwrites existing, preserves hard links)
fileAppend Appends string to file
fileTouch Creates empty file or updates modification date
createUniqueFile Creates empty file with unique name
getFullPathName Retrieves full path name via Windows API

Misc Methods

Method Description
parseInt Converts string to integer
getWindowsErrorText Retrieves Windows error message text for error number (A_LastError)
defaultTo Checks value to determine whether a default value should be returned in its place


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