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Paste transform plugin

This is a Paste transform plugin for Obsidian (

The plugin handle paste event, check if pasted simple text, then handle pasted textx by regexps.

I use it for short links for issues/prs and expand issues to internal issue tracker. For example: ASD-123 -> [ASD-123](https://internal.tracker/ASD-123)


Simple paste text/link from clipboard. For example try to copy and paste link for example issue and paste them to a page. paste-example.png



Transform rules

Contains two text areas. Left - for regexp patterns and right - for replace rules.

Write match regexp expression to the left area. One regexp for a line. You can read more about regexp at javascript documentation.

And write a replacement rule to the right area at same line as the rule. You can read more about replacement string at javascript documentation.

The plugin contains some default rules for GitHub and Wikipedia as example.

Try result

You can write test text into "Try source" text area and see result in "Try destination". If you make a mistake in regexp - error will output to "Try destination"

Resize text area

Text areas can be small by default. You can resize them by drag at right down corner.


Install from Obsidian Community Plugins (soon):

Manual Installation

  1. Download the .zip file from the latest release.
  2. Unzip into: {VaultFolder}/.obsidian/plugins/
  3. Reload obsidian


Current version system is 0.X.Y, where X changed when update contains some incompatible changes (see in release notes). Y changes for updates without incompatible changes (bug fix, add new features, etc.).