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Jurek Muszyński edited this page Dec 19, 2021 · 8 revisions

bool QS(const char *param, QSVAL variable)


Scans query string for param and if found, URI-decodes it, and copies its value to variable. For POST, PUT and DELETE methods it assumes query string is in payload.

QSVAL is just a typedef for C-style string, long enough to hold the value, as QS makes the check.


Returns true if param is present in query string, otherwise false.


QSVAL qs_name;

if ( QS("name", qs_name) )
    OUT("<p>Welcome %s!</p>", qs_name);

QS comes in four SQL- and XSS-injection security flavours:

QS - default - behaviour depends on QS_DEF_xxx compilation switch (by default it's QS_DEF_HTML_ESCAPE).

QS_HTML_ESCAPE - value is HTML-escaped
QS_SQL_ESCAPE - value is SQL-escaped
QS_DONT_ESCAPE - value is not escaped

And the fifth one:

QS_RAW - value is not URI-decoded

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