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A Javascript port of the Craft constraint-based random number generator

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Adstrum uses several functions, constants and patterns as part of the ES6 standard, and will fail on browsers that do not support them. Adstrum has been tested on the most recent build of Google Chrome.

Adstrum uses RequireJS to handle module loading and John Resig's inheritance.js library for Java-style polymorphism. For testing, Adstrum uses Jasmine.

All three libraries are in the /vendor folder.

Adstrum was built using webpack.


Using Adstrum in your own projects is easy (unlike in the previous build, where it was a nightmare). Right now, adstrum.js exports to a single global object (Adstrum), which has a set of properties set (Adstrum.CSP, Adstrum.FloatVariable and Adstrum.IntegerVariable).

Support for using Adstrum.js with AMD / CommonJS is upcomming in the next release.

Just copy the adstrum.js file to your project and load it before you'd load any Adstrum dependant code.

		<!-- page elements here -->
		<script src="/path/to/adstrum.js"></script>
		<script src="../some/Adstrum/using/script.js"></script>

Examples in the Usage section assume a few setup lines:

var CSP = Adstrum.CSP;
var FloatVariable = Adstrum.FloatVariable;
var IntegerVariable = Adstrum.IntegerVariable;


The various tests are located in js/tests. The above example is in runTests.js, and can be seen by opening the tester.html file in a browser (in /test). If you want to import the testing framework for whatever reason, it uses Require.js and a bootstrap.


To understand how Adstrum does what it does, you probably want to review the documentation in the original Craft project, here:

All Adstrum usage starts with one thing-- a CSP object. This object does all the bookkeeping required to generate a solution constraint satisfaction problem.

var p = new CSP();

Now, we still need to define what the actual problem is going to be. In Adstrum, this is a mix of FloatVariable objects and mathematical operations. For example, lets say we're dealing with a basic quadratic problem of quad = m^2 + intercept, where:

  • m must be between -100 and 100
  • intercept must be between -100 and 100
  • quad must be between 10 and 20

First, we want to specify our independent variables:

var m = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('m', p, -100, 100);
var intercept = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('intercept', p, -100, 100);

Adstrum also supports integers! If we wanted to set the same problem up, but in this case, m and intercept needed to be ints, we'd write:

var m = IntegerVariable.makeIntVariableWithBounds('m', p, -100, 100);
var intercept = IntegerVariable.makeIntVariableWithBounds('intercept', p, -100, 100);

Adstrum now also supports floating point vectors!

var element1 = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('vec1', p, -1, 1);
var element2 = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('vec2', p, -1, 1);
var element3 = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('vec3', p, -1, 1);
var vector = FloatVectorVariable.makeFloatVectorFromVariables([element1, element2, element3]);

Adstrum can also get the magnitude on a FloatVectorVariable:

var element1 = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('vec1', p, -1, 1);
var element2 = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('vec2', p, -1, 1);
var element3 = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('vec3', p, -1, 1);
var vector = FloatVectorVariable.makeFloatVectorFromVariables([element1, element2, element3]);
var magnitude = vector.magnitude();

this magnitude is a FloatVariable and can be constrained or used in operations like any other FloatVariable.

Adstrum can also create constants:

var floatConstant = FloatVariable.makeFloatConstant('flConst', p, 0.5);
var intConstant = IntegerVariable.makeIntConstant('intConst', p, 7);

Now that we've got our independent variables figured out, lets add constraints. Quad is constrained to be the a squared plus b, so let us tell Adstrum that.

var quad = FloatVariable.add(FloatVariable.pow(m, 2), intercept);

If quad also needed to be an integer, we'd write:

var quad = IntegerVariable.add(IntegerVariable.pow(m, 2), intercept);

Well, that's some weird syntax. To do scalar arithmetic in Adstrum, you need to use the operations in FloatVariable or IntegerVariable. The available ops are:

FloatVariable.add(a, b) --> a + b
FloatVariable.subtract(a, b) --> a - b
FloatVariable.multiply(a, b) --> a * b
FloatVariable.divide(a, b) --> a / b
FloatVariable.pow(a, exponent) --> a ^ exponent (where exponent is a Number)
FloatVariable.sumAll(v) --> the summation of all FloatVariables in v (where v is an array of FloatVariables and/or Numbers)

For Integers, the same sorts of ops look like:

IntegerVariable.add(a, b) --> a + b
IntegerVariable.subtract(a, b) --> a - b
IntegerVariable.multiply(a, b) --> a * b
IntegerVariable.divide(a, b) --> a / b
IntegerVariable.pow(a, exponent) --> a ^ exponent (where exponent is a Number)
IntegerVariable.sumAll(v) --> the summation of all IntegerVariables in v (where v is an array of IntegerVariables and/or Numbers)

For both these cases, a and b can be variables or plain Javascript numbers, with the caveat that arguments provided to functions in FloatVariable should be FloatVariables, and arguments provided to IntegerVariable functions should be IntegerVariables.

var example = FloatVariable.makeFloatVariableWithBounds('ex', p, 0, 1);
FloatVariable.add(1, example);
FloatVariable.add(example, 1);

Both of the above cases are valid. Adstrum will promote numbers to constants automagically. This is also true for IntegerVariables.

Note that, for Integers, Adstrum will throw errors if any provided argument is a floating point number. If you need to use floats, use the operations in FloatVariable instead. Future work will allow to constrain floating point operations to the integer space.

Floating point vectors have slightly different operations they can do:

FloatVectorVariable.add(a, b) --> a vector where each individual element of the provided vectors is added together
a[0] + b[0] = r[0], a[1] + b[1] = r[1]...

FloatVectorVariable.subtract(a, b) --> a vector where each individual element of the provided vectors is subtracted together
a[0] - b[0] = r[0], a[1] - b[1] = r[1]...

FloatVectorVariable.scalarMultiply(v, s) --> multiply all elements in v by scalar s
FloatVectorVariable.scalarDivide(v, s) --> divide all elements in v by scalar s
FloatVectorVariable.dotProduct(a, b) --> the dot product between vectors a and b (a dot b)

Vector operations return a FloatVariable when appropriate (ie, the dot product returns a scalar). This can be constrained like any other FloatVariable. Each individual element of a FloatVectorVariable is also a FloatVariable and can be constrained like any other FloatVariable.

If you're familiar with reverse polish syntax, this probably rings a few bells. It's also important to note that Adstrum does not enforce order of operations-- ops are just function calls.

Finally we need to add one more explicit constraint to quad-- that it must be within 10 and 20.

quad.mustBeContainedInRange(10, 20);

Adstrum has some other constraints to add to FloatVariable or IntegerVariables:

.mustBeContainedIn(low, high) --> variable must be within the specified range
.mustEqual({Number Or Variable}) --> variable must equal the provided Number or Variable
.mustBeLessThanOrEqualTo({Number Or Variable}) --> variable must be less than or equal to the provided Number or Variable
.mustBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo({Number Or Variable}) --> variable must be greater than or equal to the provided number or Variable

with the usual caveat of Adstrum having undefined behavior if you mix variable types (i.e. FloatVariable.mustEqual(IntegerVariable) or the other way around)

Adstrum supports a special constraints for FloatVectorVariables:

.mustBePerpendicular({FloatVectorVariable}) --> FloatVectorVariable must be perpendicular to the provided FloatVectorVariable

Now that we've set up the CSP, we can start getting solutions to it. Adstrum gets one solution to the CSP at a time, and does not make any promises about not returning the same solution twice.

var m_value = m.uniqueValue();
var intercept_value = intercept.uniqueValue();
var quad_value = quad.uniqueValue();

The important bit here is that CSP doesn't return any solutions, it just modifies the FloatVariable or IntegerVariable objects that it knows about, and they contain the values that satisfy the constraints. uniqueValue() returns a Javascript primitive Number, so you can safely plug them into whatever other part of your program you want to. To get another solution, call newSolution() again.


The examples folder (html page is in /example and relevant javascript is in js/example) contains a toy program that draws circles in a circle. It also illustrates a weakness of math beind Adstrum-- it does not ensure a uniform distribution, and why that can be awkward is illustrated best with a impossibly large range.

There is a program that also draws circles in a square to show off how to use Integer constraints. If Adstrum isn't expressive enough to your liking, Adstrum can do rejection sampling to get more complicated constrained solutions, as seen in the final example.

Features to Add

-- CommonJS and Require.js support

-- Mixed CSPs, able to handle both Reals and Ints.

-- Some calling interface (perhaps an equation parser?) to make setting up problems easier.

-- Various optimizations to speed up finding solutions.

-- Refactor to using prototype inheritance, to make future debugging easier and remove the reliance on inheritance.js

Known Problems


Take care when assigning variable names. The names "a", "b", "sum", "difference", "product", "quotient" and "power" may get overwritten by the solver and end up getting assigned to the wrong constraints. The more descriptive a name is, the more useful it is overall. The internal variable representation will get tweaked in a future release to prevent this from happening.


Adstrum is very much in development. This is an alpha build (0.23, at time of writing this disclamer), and may be bug-ridden. Please, add an issue tag for any bugs you find.


A Javascript port of the Craft constraint-based random number generator






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