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= Remarkable ActiveModel

Remarkable ActiveModel is a collection of matchers to ActiveModel. Why use

* Matchers for all ActiveModel validations, with support to all options. The only
  exceptions are validate_format_of (which should be invoked as allow_values_for)
  and the :on option;

  This means you can test your validations any model that mixes-in ActiveModel::Validations

* Tests and more tests. We have a huge tests suite ready to run and tested in
  ActiveModel 3.0.0;

* Great documentation;

* I18n.

Upcoming features:
* Matchers wrapping ActiveModel::Lint for testing ActiveModel API compliance.
  This means your custom models using RESTClient, for example, can play nice with

* Matchers testing ActiveModel::Serialization
  This allows you to test for compliance if you are using special serialization
  methods, or require the use of Presenters in your application.

== Installation

  sudo gem install remarkable_activemodel --pre

Add this to your Gemfile:

  group :test do
     gem 'remarkable_activemodel', '>=4.0.0.alpha2'

Drop this into your spec/spec_helper.rb or spec/support/remarkable.rb file:

  require 'remarkable/active_model'

== Examples

All Remarkable macros can be accessed in two different ways. For those who prefer the Shoulda style, let’s look at some model tests:

  describe Post do
    should_validate_presence_of :body
    should_validate_presence_of :title

For those who likes more the RSpec way can simply do:

  describe Post do
    it { should validate_presence_of(:body) }
    it { should validate_presence_of(:title) }

== I18n

All matchers come with I18n support. If you want to translate your matchers,
grab make a copy of locale/en.yml and start to translate it.

Then add your new locale file to Remarkable:

  Remarkable.add_locale 'path/to/my_locale.yml'

And then:

  Remarkable.locale = :my_locale

== Using it outside Rails

If you want to use Remarkable ActiveModel outside Rails, you have to remember
a few things:

  1. Internationalization is powered by the I18n gem. If you are using it with Rails,
     it will use the built in gem, otherwise you will have to install the gem by hand:

        gem install i18n

  2. Include the matchers. Remarkable Rails gem is the responsable to add
     ActiveModel matchers to rspec. If you are not using it, you have to do:

        Remarkable.include_matchers!(Remarkable::ActiveModel, RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup)

     This will make ActiveModel matchers available in all rspec example groups.


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