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simple controller to NAT traffic to pods with annotations

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Simple stupid pod NAT controller

Instead of using sophisticated load balancing, this controller is just watching for pod annotations and creating related iptables node NAT entries to send traffic to a pod on a specific port directly, and return the traffic over the same public IP. This can be useful for single pod ingress deployments or mail server pods, which need direct NAT for IP lookups, etc. The DaemonSet pods needs NET_ADMIN privileges and hostNetwork: true setting.

Version bump

pip install --upgrade bumpversion
bumpversion patch

Annotation format

The JSON format expects a list (holding port objects) called 'entries' in the top level object. The entries for this list use following values

key value required default description
ifaceAuto true/false no true auto detect and use public interface resp. IP
srcIP IPv4 address no source IP for NAT entry to pod (for manual setting)
srcPort 1-65535 yes source port for NAT entry
dstPort 1-65535 yes destination port for NAT entry
proto tcp/udp no tcp layer 3 protocol for NAT entry

Pod annotation example for a mail server (auto detect public node IP) '{"entries":[{"srcPort":25,"dstPort":25},{"srcPort":143,"dstPort":143},{"srcPort":587,"dstPort":587}]}'

Pod annotation example for a mail server (manual IP setting) '{"entries":[{"ifaceAuto":false,"srcIP":"","srcPort":25,"dstPort":25},{"ifaceAuto":false,"srcIP":"","srcPort":143,"dstPort":143},{"ifaceAuto":false,"srcIP":"","srcPort":587,"dstPort":587}]}'

Controller flags

The following flags can be adjusted with the extraArgs setting in the chart.

flag type required default example description
-dryrun bool no false -dryrun just print changes to firewall
-annotationkey string no annotation for pods
-informerresync int no 180 -informerresync=600 interval of automatic pod informer refresh
-restrictedports string no 22,53,6443 -restrictedports=22,6443 configure NAT excluded ports
-httpport int no 8484 -httpport=8585 http port for pod nat controller daemon set
-firewallflavor string no iptables -firewallflavor=other firewall NAT implementation1
-inclfilternet string no -inclfilternet= ignore during auto detection
-exclfilternet string no -exclfilternet= allow address from net2
-resourceprefix string no podnat -resourceprefix=iloveipt prefix for chains in iptables
-stateflavor string no webdav -stateflavor=other use different state impl3
-stateuri string no http://podnat-state-store:80 -stateuri=http://othersvc:80 state URI endpoint

1Currently only iptables v4 available

2By default RFC1918 internal networks are not considered during auto detection

3Currently only webdav state side deployment available

Local testing

Dry-run will print firewall changes only. The controller filters for its own kubernetes node hostname, so you need to spoof this information via environment variable for local testing.

export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
go build
HOSTNAME=<kubernetes_node_name> ./podnat-controller -stateuri=http://localhost:8080 -excludefilternetworks= -logtostderr -dryrun


helm upgrade \
  -n podnat-controller-system \
  --install \
  --repo \
  --debug \
  podnat-controller \


  • last created pod with same assignment wins

  • TODO: UDP support

  • TODO: iptables and interface v6 support

  • TODO: replace NAT state store with etcd/configmap (currently WebDAV)

  • iptables logic "use at your own risk" - it might break your ssh access, if you allow port 22 and deploy a NAT rule, you have been warned :-)