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Setting up a Jupyter notebook environment (macOS)

Danny Whalen edited this page Jun 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Install Homebrew

Follow the instructions here:

Install Python 3

Open and run brew install python.

Create a workspace

In, run mkdir -p ~/code/partridge-workspace. Then change into that directory: cd ~/code/partridge-workspace.

Create a virtualenv

From your partridge workspace, run python3 -m venv partridge-venv. This will setup a sandbox for you to install python packages.

You'll need to "activate" the virtualenv for each window. The command to activate it is source partridge-venv/bin/activate.

Install packages

Once your virtualenv is activated, install packages by running pip install partridge jupyter. This command will install partridge and Jupyter.

Run Jupyter notebook server

Run jupyter-notebook from your workspace.