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Releases: remixlab/proscene

Latest release

10 Oct 00:30
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This project is deprecated and will soon no longer be available. Download the nub library instead.

Release of proscene-3.0.0

09 Oct 23:34
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Release of Proscene-3.0.0. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Changelog:

  1. A completely new library design has been implemented respect to proscene2. Please refer to our softwareX paper.
  2. All deprecated functionality has been removed.
  3. Jacques Maire fantastic sketches have been repackaged along side the new Geom examples section.
  4. This release also includes Sebastian Chaparro great ALife Fishbowl demo.

Please note that this version requires Processing >= 3.2.4 for the FX2D renderer to properly work.

Known issues:

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.9

01 Feb 23:23
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Ninth beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Changelog:

Known issues:

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.8

03 Nov 14:59
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Eighth beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Several improvements over off-screen scenes has been implemented:

  1. To render onto the screen an off-screen scenes simply: scene.beginDraw(); drawScene(); scene.endDraw(); scene.display();
  2. The focus of off-screen scenes (such is in the code above) will be handled automatically. See the Scene.hasAutoFocus API docs.

Refer to any of the off-screen scene examples such as MiniMap, PostEffects or ViewFrustumCulling, and many others.

Known issues:

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.7

21 Oct 20:49
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Seventh beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Changelog:

  1. Key bindings work now among several interactive frame instances. Please refer to the updated FrameInteraction example.
  2. The framework allows to easily set up custom-events. Examples to come.

Known issues:

  • Doesn't work properly with the FX2D renderer.
  • The Android Proscene Keyboard is disabled. Partly related to processing/processing-android#246.
  • Android obj PShape textures are not loaded. Related to processing/processing-android#249.
  • Our Android touch processor (adapted from that of David Bouchard) can only parse single tap events, but misses double taps.

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.6

10 Oct 16:46
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Sixth beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Changelog:

  1. First release of the Proscene Android Mode which implements a DOF2 Motion TouchAgent. Thanks to Victor Forero (@merkkien) for the initial port.
  2. For details, please refer to the new Android examples here (also included in the zip ball).

Known issues:

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.5

12 Sep 21:05
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Fifth beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Changelog:

  1. It is now possible set a textured or colored interactive-frame shape. See setShape(PShape) (retained mode) or setShape(Object, String) (immediate mode). Refer to the Luxo example.
  2. It is now also possible to discriminate between the front and the picking interactive-frame shapes. See setFrontShape(PShape), setFrontShape(Object, String), setPickingShape(PShape) and setPickingShape(Object, String). Refer to the FrameInteraction example.
  3. The saveConfig and loadConfig methods allow to serialize several scene attributes, such as the radius, the eye frame, the eye key-frame interpolator paths and the visual hints. Original idea discussed here. Refer to the CameraInterpolation and Dizzy examples.

Known issues: Doesn't work properly with the FX2D renderer.

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.4

07 Aug 21:26
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Fourth beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Changelog:

  1. The frame hierarchy has been simplified and now the scene.eyeFrame() is also an InteractiveFrame instance which means the eye frame may hold a graphics representation or a shape. Refer to fromFrame, addGraphicsHandler and setShape InteractiveFrame methods. Useful when sharing the same graphics handler or shape drawing method among different frame instances is desirable. The new mini-map illustrates the idea.

Known issues: Doesn't work properly with the FX2D renderer.

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.3

25 Apr 22:45
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Third beta release of the Proscene3 cycle. To be distributed directly from the PDE. Developed and fully tested in Processing-3 under x86_64 ArchLinux. Give it a thorough test and please report issues here. Changelog:

  1. The SpaceNavigator example is back.
  2. Code robustness improved and code polishing performed throughout the library.

Known issues: Doesn't work properly with the FX2D renderer.

To install it, import the proscene library directed from the pde or unzip the file and put the extracted proscene folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the proscene folder.

Release of proscene-3.0.0-beta.2

22 Feb 18:20
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In this release applications memory footprint tend to grow with the number of animations. Even though all the examples run, we strongly encourage all ProScene users to upgrade to the latest version which is memory optimized.