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Renault API

Resources url and models to use the Renault API

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Get everything you need to use the Renault API into TypeScript/JavaScript project.


npm install @remscodes/renault-api


Use GigyaApi or KamereonApi properties to get the url you want.

Each property has its own JSDoc to describe what the corresponding request needs to work.

Examples :

import { GigyaApi } from '@remscodes/renault-api';

const url = new URL(GigyaApi.LOGIN_URL);
url.searchParams.set('apikey', GigyaApi.KEY);
url.searchParams.set('loginID', 'my-renault-login');
url.searchParams.set('password', 'my-renault-password');

const loginInfo = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST' }).then(r => r.json());
import { KamereonApi } from '@remscodes/renault-api';

const accountId = 'a1b2c3d4-xxxxxxxx';
const vin = 'VF1XXXXXXXXXXX';

const url = new URL(KamereonApi.READ_BATTERY_STATUS_URL(accountId, vin));
url.searchParams.set('country', 'FR');

const headers = {
  apikey: KamereonApi.KEY,
  'x-gigya-id_token': 'my-token',
  accept: 'application/json'

const batteryStatus = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers }).then(r => r.json());


This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or connected to Renault. I accept no responsibility for any consequences, intentional or accidental, resulting from interaction with the Renault's API using this project.


Resources API based on Renault API (hacf-fr) and PyZE (jamesremuscat).


MIT © Rémy Abitbol.