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RestQL-server is a server to run restQL queries, making easy to fetch information from multiple services in the most efficient manner.

Getting Started


You can download the latest binary release on the releases page, clone the repository and build from source (requires Clojure) or build a Docker image and run it as a container.

Java 8 is the only pre-requisite to run restQL-server, making it easy to run and deploy. You may also need MongoDB if you want to store queries and run them later.


In order to use it, you must provide the resources you want to map when starting the server. You can also provide an optional port argument (default running on port 9000).

For example, to map the planets resource from Star Wars API and use port 8080, you should start the server as follows:

java -jar -Dmongo-url=mongodb://localhost:27017/restql-server -Dport=8080 -Dplanets= restql-server-v1.0.0-standalone.jar

For more information about resources see the restQL-core configuration wiki.

Running Queries

Once configured, you can run queries on the server you can send a POST HTTP request to http://your-server.ip/run-query with your query on the body.

Example POST Body:

[:allPlanets {:from :planets}]

For more details about the query language and structure see restQL-core Query Language wiki.

Building From Source Code

As prerequisites to build restQL-server from source we have:

  • Java 8
  • Leiningen
  • MongoDB (To store and run saved queries)

To run the server using Leinigen: lein run

To build the server as a deployable standalone: lein uberjar (will generate restql-server-standalone.jar under target/uberjar)

Running as a Docker container

Building Docker image

RestQL-server can also be run as a Docker container. First, from the root folder, build a Docker image with the command:

docker build -t restql-server-img .

Running the container

Than run the image as a container with the command:

docker run -p 9000:9000 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dmongo-url=mongodb://my-mongo-ip:27017/restql-server -Dplanets=" restql-server-img

You can register your APIs as resources by passing them in JAVA_OPTS environment variable, as seen above. The server default port is 9000 but it can be changed by passing the PORT environment variable with the desired port.

The MongoDB instance can also run from a container. If that's the case you can link to it and use its link name as the address:

docker run -p 27017-27017 --name mongo-docker mongo
docker run --link mongo-docker -p 9000:9000 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dmongo-url=mongodb://mongo-docker:27017/restql-server -Dplanets=" restql-server-img


Copyright © 2016-2017 B2W Digital

Distributed under the MIT License.


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