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Added my default capture flow
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renatgalimov committed Jun 16, 2021
1 parent dcebd0f commit 8515e0c
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@@ -1,240 +1,6 @@
# Created 2021-06-07 Пн 06:21
#+AUTHOR: Renat Galimov

* Working notes

Here we do the actual work.

** Renat
*** Brainstorm/Braindump
- The final task is to have an article offering an opinionated
list of building blocks implementing CODE methodology.

- I want to concentrate on
- Search
- Highlighting
- Summarization

- We may want to make a set of videos/gifs demonstrating workflow
with our instrument.

- Don't hesitate to use brute force

*** Useful links
A list of useful packages for implementing CODE with Emacs.

- [[][GitHub - logseq/logseq: A privacy-first, open-source(frontend now, backend later) platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Desktop app download link:, roadmap:]]

- [[][EmacsWiki: Highlight Library]]
Highlight the text.

- [[][Emacs Enriched Text mode]]
Persistently store highlights and Emacs markup in text files.

- [[][Pandoc - About pandoc]]
Transform various documents to org-mode format.

*** Keywords

- [[*Divergence and convergence][Divergence and convergence]]
- Search
- [[file:~/Dropbox/org/*Read][Read]]
- [[ CODE methodology][CODE methodology]]
- [[*Zettelkasten][Zettelkasten]]
- Highlight
- [[file:~/Dropbox/org/*A reader, that doesn't allow you to read until you make notes.][A reader, that doesn't allow you to read until you make notes.]]

*** Capture

- pandoc

- test google cloud vision api
- rekognition api
I ended up using rekognition API

You need amazon account to use it.
#+caption: Rekognition script
#+begin_src bash

set -euo pipefail

TARGET_BASENAME="$(basename "$2")"

docker run --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v /home/renat/.aws:/tmp/.aws -e HOME=/tmp -v "$(realpath "$2"):/mnt/$TARGET_BASENAME" -w /mnt --rm -i amazon/aws-cli --profile "$CREDENTIALS" rekognition detect-labels --image-bytes "fileb://$TARGET_BASENAME"

**** Highlighting text with enriched mode
CLOCK: [2021-06-13 Вс 07:16]
CLOCK: [2021-06-13 Вс 06:49]--[2021-06-13 Вс 07:15] => 0:26

When working with plain text buffers, like org-mode or markdown,
you can use the =highlight= library to highligh the text.

I'm using org-capture with highlight to work on text.

#+caption: A capture template
#+begin_src elisp :tangle ~/emacs/rc/CODE.el
;; Use =org-capture f= to put a link to the text you selected.into an
;; org entry with the current timer enabled.

'("f" "Curently watched" item (clock)
"%(with-current-buffer (org-capture-get :original-buffer) (replace-regexp-in-string \"\n\" \" \" (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))) [[%F::%(with-current-buffer (org-capture-get :original-buffer) (replace-regexp-in-string \"\n\" \" \" (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))))][↗]]%?" :unnarrowed t))

This is my basic building block. Whenever I'm reading an article
in emacs (transformed to an org-mode or markdown file), I can
click =C-c f= to insert a list entry to the notebook I'm
currently on.

To keep track of important stuff inside the file I highlight the
text I selected with =highlight.el=.

#+caption: Install highlight.el
#+begin_src elisp :tangle ~/emacs/rc/CODE.el
;; If you get errors saying somethign about facemenu, try
;; uncommenting this.
;; (setq facemenu-menu nil)

;; Intalls the package
(use-package highlight :ensure t)

Use different colors for different highlights.
When I'm reading, I try to keep track of statements and questions
I'm interested in. The code below defines appropriate faces.

#+caption: Custom highlights
#+begin_src elisp :tangle ~/emacs/rc/CODE.el
(defface highlight-question
'((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
:background "darkseagreen2")
(((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
:background "darkolivegreen")
(((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light))
:background "darkseagreen2")
(((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))
:background "darkolivegreen")
(((class color) (min-colors 8))
:background "green" :foreground "black")
(t :inverse-video t))
"Face for highlighting questions."
:group 'basic-faces)

(defface highlight-statement
'((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
:background "#3c4c7a")
(((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
:background "#3c4c7a")
(((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light))
:background "#3c4c7a")
(((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))
:background "#3c4c7a")
(((class color) (min-colors 8))
:background "blue" :foreground "black")
(t :inverse-video t))
"Face for highlighting statements."
:group 'basic-faces)

(defface highlight-general
'((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
:background "#614b61")
(((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
:background "#614b61")
(((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light))
:background "#614b61")
(((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))
:background "#614b61")
(((class color) (min-colors 8))
:background "red" :foreground "black")
(t :inverse-video t))
"Face for highlighting."
:group 'basic-faces)

Helper functions and their keybindings so we can mark text
quickly. I use =ESC ESC h= prefix. Feel free to use your own.

#+begin_src elisp :tangle ~/emacs/rc/CODE.el
(defun hlt-question()
(hlt-highlight-region (region-beginning) (region-end) 'highlight-question))

(defun hlt-statement()
(hlt-highlight-region (region-beginning) (region-end) 'highlight-statement))

(defun hlt-general()
(message "Im in hlt-general"
(hlt-highlight-region (region-beginning) (region-end) 'highlight-general)))

(global-set-key (kbd "ESC M-h q") #'hlt-question)
(global-set-key (kbd "ESC M-h s") #'hlt-statement)
(global-set-key (kbd "ESC M-h h") #'hlt-general)
(global-set-key (kbd "ESC M-h u") #'hlt-unhighlight-region)

Now, let's enable automatic highlighting on our function.

#+caption: Auto-highlight
#+begin_src elisp :tangle ~/emacs/rc/CODE.el
(defun r/do-highlight-on-capture ()
"Highlight selected region of the buffer you were in at capture."
(with-current-buffer (plist-get org-capture-plist :original-buffer)

(defun r/highlight-on-capture ()
(message "Running highlight on capture hook")
(when (equal (plist-get org-capture-plist :key) "f")

(add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook #'r/highlight-on-capture)
*** Organize

Tagging your notes as PARA objects.

I have two approaches to manage projects, areas and resource tags:
by roam tags and by roam links.

**** Tags

For every note you assign an appropriate tag with

Then you can see all of your projects for example just by
searching by project tag.

On roam v2 it will look like.

#+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-06-09 09:16:32
#+attr_org: :width 400px

**** Roam linkns

You create roam fiels named =Project=, =Area=, =Resource= and
then put it into a roam entry as a link.

Then, you open the =Areas= note and in your org-roam buffer you
will see:

#+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-06-09 09:20:55
#+attr_org: :width 400px

* Emacs CODE implementation :project:
Here will go the actual content we produce.
[[id:93AE58FD-887D-4CFC-BF4E-2238BFA35A8F][Divergence and convergence]]
Expand All @@ -249,79 +15,7 @@ A list of useful packages for implementing CODE with Emacs.
Use a guide to set up either V1 or V2 version of org-roam.

** Capture

** Organize

** Distill

** Express
** Org-roam Full-text search :table:
:DEADLINE: <2021-06-04 Пт>

- Requested features:
- helm or counsel integration.
- live search.
- result previewing support.
- a key-binding to capture results into currently clocked org
- results ordering support
- Headlines
- Summary
- Hightlight
- large file-sets support

#+caption: Full text search engines features
#+begin: columnview :hlines 1 :id local :maxlevel 2 :indent t
| Org-roam Full-text search | | | |
| \_ ripgrep (helm-rg) | helm ivy | fast | nil |
| \_ helm-org-rifle | helm | slow | t |
| \_ deft | helm | fast | nil |
| \_ org-ql | helm | slow | |
| \_ recoll | helm ivy | fast | nil |
| \_ org-fts | ivy | fast | |
| \_ org-agenda search | | | |

*** ripgrep (helm-rg)
[[][GitHub - cosmicexplorer/helm-rg: ripgrep is nice]]
Now I use it as a default text search engine.

*** helm-org-rifle
[[][GitHub - alphapapa/org-rifle: Rifle through your Org-mode buffers and acquire your target]]

This one is good. It gives you an idea about the context. But it's not ordering the data by the highlights.
=(helm-org-rifle-directories org-roam-directory)=

I find org-rifle too slow at the moment. But its output is exacly what I want.
*** deft
[[][GitHub - dfeich/helm-deft: A helm based emacs module to help search in a predetermined list of directories. Inspired by the deft module.]]

I use helm implementation. Speed is fast enough.

*** org-ql
[[][GitHub - alphapapa/org-ql: An Org-mode query language, including search commands and saved views]]

Doesn't look suitable for large filesets.

*** recoll
[[][GitHub - emacs-helm/helm-recoll: helm interface for the recoll desktop search tool.]]
I found recoll being to hard to set up.
I wasn't able to get it working on MacOS.

*** org-fts
[[][microfts/elisp at main · zot/microfts · GitHub]]

- It didn't work on MacOS from scratch.
- I tried to compile its binary manually but that didn't work
- This one looks promising. Let's keep an eye on it.

*** org-agenda search
- Not trying this for now because agenda wants to open all its
files for search.

* Awesome Emacs Code
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
* Org-roam Full-text search :table:

- Requested features:
- helm or counsel integration.
- live search.
- result previewing support.
- a key-binding to capture results into currently clocked org
- results ordering support
- Headlines
- Summary
- Hightlight
- large file-sets support

#+caption: Full text search engines features
#+begin: columnview :hlines 1 :id local :maxlevel 2 :indent t
| Org-roam Full-text search | | | |
| \_ ripgrep (helm-rg) | helm ivy | fast | nil |
| \_ helm-org-rifle | helm | slow | t |
| \_ deft | helm | fast | nil |
| \_ org-ql | helm | slow | |
| \_ recoll | helm ivy | fast | nil |
| \_ org-fts | ivy | fast | |
| \_ org-agenda search | | | |

*** ripgrep (helm-rg)
[[][GitHub - cosmicexplorer/helm-rg: ripgrep is nice]]
Now I use it as a default text search engine.

*** helm-org-rifle
[[][GitHub - alphapapa/org-rifle: Rifle through your Org-mode buffers and acquire your target]]

This one is good. It gives you an idea about the context. But it's not ordering the data by the highlights.
=(helm-org-rifle-directories org-roam-directory)=

I find org-rifle too slow at the moment. But its output is exacly what I want.
*** deft
[[][GitHub - dfeich/helm-deft: A helm based emacs module to help search in a predetermined list of directories. Inspired by the deft module.]]

I use helm implementation. Speed is fast enough.

*** org-ql
[[][GitHub - alphapapa/org-ql: An Org-mode query language, including search commands and saved views]]

Doesn't look suitable for large filesets.

*** recoll
[[][GitHub - emacs-helm/helm-recoll: helm interface for the recoll desktop search tool.]]
I found recoll being to hard to set up.
I wasn't able to get it working on MacOS.

*** org-fts
[[][microfts/elisp at main · zot/microfts · GitHub]]

- It didn't work on MacOS from scratch.
- I tried to compile its binary manually but that didn't work
- This one looks promising. Let's keep an eye on it.

*** org-agenda search
- Not trying this for now because agenda wants to open all its
files for search.

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