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Ralf D. Müller edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
= Spock Test Results
// toc-title definition MUST follow document title without blank line!
:toc-title: Table of Contents

// numbering from here on

<% def stats = data )
 %>== Specification run results

=== Specifications summary

[small]#created on ${new Date()} by ${['']}#

| Total          | Passed          | Failed          | Feature failures | Feature errors   | Success rate        | Total time (ms) 
| ${} | ${stats.passed} | ${stats.failed} | ${stats.fFails}  | ${stats.fErrors} | ${stats.successRate}| ${stats.time}   

=== Specifications

|Name  | Features | Failed | Errors | Skipped | Success rate | Time 
<% data.each { name, map ->
 %>| $name | ${map.totalRuns} | ${map.failures} | ${map.errors} | ${map.skipped} | ${map.successRate} | ${map.time} 
<% } %>

<% data.each { name, map ->

<% } %>

[small]#generated by ${}[Athaydes Spock Reports]#
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