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Transactions App Backend

Transactions App is a simple Financial tracking tool made with love from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It is not a complete application and it has the objetive to be an instructional repository to learn and teach backend development with JavaScript technologies, design patterns and clean architecture principles.

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Feel free to explore package.json dependencies and devDependencies to learn more. But in summary we have:

  • Node.js, Express.js as core tecnologies
  • Jest and Supertest for testing
  • MariaDB (MySQL) with Sequelize at persistence layer
  • And more

Design patterns covered

  • The core objects is represented with Domain model pattern
  • For object relational mapping was chose Sequelize ORM
  • The application is organized in layers (routes, controller, models)

Before you start

Before you starting clone this repository, make sure that you've already done the following steps:

  1. Install nvm:

    $ brew install nvm
  2. After nvm installation, use it to install the proper version of node.js:

    $ nvm use
  3. Considering MAC OS, you may use homebrew to install a local MariaDB Server (Mysql) and then opt to start server as a service or manually. Installation and some security configurations:

    $ brew install mariadb
    $ mysql_secure_installation

Running the app locally

  1. Install dependencies:

    $ npm i
  2. Create a .env file (you can duplicate .env.sample) and configure your local dev environment varaibles. Remember that you should never commit this file.

  3. Execute the project:

    $ npm run start:local
  4. You can access the API in: http://localhost:3000/

Ps. The first time you run, make sure your database server is running and that all the migrations are up. More info bellow.

Database server

Start MariaDB server (Mac will re-start it at reboot)

$ brew services start mariadb
$ brew service list
$ brew services stop mariadb

Start MariaDB server (Mac will not re-start it at reboot)

$ mysql.server start
$ mysql.server status
$ mysql.server stop

To login on MariaDB server with/without password

$ mysql -u root -p
$ mysql -uroot


To create database and schema:

$ npm run db:create
$ npm run db:migrate
$ npm run db:migrate:status


To execute all unit tests:

$ npm run test
$ npm run test:watch

To execute all unit tests with coverage:

$ npm run test:coverage