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Common Site_Vars

John Aziz edited this page Feb 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

While you have any site variables passed into your Site, there are a lot of conventions that render-engine recommends so that it's easier for users to swap between themes.

For how to best add your settings, visit the Getting Started - Simple Site Layout and the site_vars best practices.

Commonly Used Site Vars

site_vars = {
        # Use a list of dictionaries or objects that can be iterated through and accessed with
        # {% for link in NAVIGATION %}
        # <a href="{{link.url}}">{{link.text}}</a>
            "text": "Home",
            "url": "/",
            "text": "Internal-Link",
            "url": "/link-to-site",
            "text": External Links,
            "url": "https://full-url",
   "SOCIAL": {
       # Social can hold information such as your username or url. We use the key:value and suggest a standard set of social naming
       "facebook": "username",
       "github": "@username",
       "linkedin": "handle" # The "xxxxx" in ""
       "tiktok": "@username",
       "x-twitter": "@username", # We're using "x-twitter" as using "X" could cause confusion
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