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Activity start details

reneboer edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 4 revisions

As of plugin version 3.3 you have the possibility to closely watch activity changes with three new variables; StartingActivityID, StartingActivityStep and activityStatus.

StartingActivityID will hold the activity being started. It will match CurrentActivityID once the activity if fully started. You can use this value as a scene or notification trigger by selecting “Harmony is starting Activity”. For very long running activities it can give a couple of seconds heads up of what activity is being started.

A starting an activity is basically a sequence of device commands send by your Hub to your devices as you have configured these in the MyHarmony app. You can follow these steps being executed by watching the StartingActivityStep variable. The of the variable format is ddd,n,t. Where ddd is the device a command is sent to, n is the steps number and t is the total number of steps executed by the activity.

You can find details for each activity by running the GetConfig command in your browser as explained in the HTTP request command details chapter. This will give a large JSON file that is not so easy to read. Paste it into jsonlint ( to format it. The steps would be the turning on the devices part of the activity, turning off any on devices that are not, the powerFeatures steps for each device and the enterActions for the activity. Bit of a puzzle as you can see.

Note that all three variables will also be populated when starting an activity from the Harmony remote or mobile app, provided SetHubPolling is on (1).

Last variable is activityStatus. This has four possible values as follows; 0 = Hub is off, 1 = Activity is starting, 2 = Activity is started, 3 = Hub is turning off. You can also use this as a scene or notification trigger “The Hub status is changing”.

Next: Luup.call_action command details

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