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Thrudvangr Rising edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 18 revisions

got to personal pages of the team:


currently working on

Future work

  • Define Requirements and Features of Autosuggest Server

  • Think about CRUD operations and Bulk import / export

  • Think about flexibility and ability to do configurations

  • Create an image server componentImageServer ?

  • Create a GEO server (componentCityGuide) ? (maybe together with Tobias)


Currently working on

  • Lukas
  • Todo for componentSearch
    • Designing schema.xml for metalcon intern data.
    • Finding a datastore and learning how to access it for metalcon intern data.
    • Zipping metalcon intern and extern data.
    • Implementing query Spellchecking / Suggesting.
    • Implementing faceting.
    • Designing REST-API for our requirements.
    • Implementing API as a Java-Servlet.


  • componentSearch
  • understanding / documenting Nutch
  • understanding / documenting HBase
  • understanding / documenting Solr

Future work


working on

Future work


working on

  • getting overview of the project
  • distributing tasks to developers
  • learning technologies
  • dissemination via

Future work

  • legal stuff
  • set up testing environments


working on

Future work

  • help others specify protocols
  • write specifications
  • Componentmusicserver
  • Quality Control
  • establish Testing scenarios


working on

  • Tobias
  • exploring technologyJavaScript (especially Technologyjquery)
  • exploring open street maps and open layers api technologyOpenLayers
  • building snippets of javascript frond end code (auto complete, ui-elements, maps,...)
  • documenting key parts to understand that one needs when working with jQuery and / or java script.

Future work

  • solving Javascript caching (is this possible without web storage in HTML5)
  • CSS Magic
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Transitions / Animations / Usability / Interfaces
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