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Compile AI models (RZ/V2L, RZ/V2M, RZ/V2MA)

This tutorial show how to compile an onnx AI model. And how to compile for RZ/V2H, see here.

Download pretraind onnx model

Before running compile script, prepare pretrained onnx model. This tutorial uses resnet18 of onnx model zoo.

cd ${TVM_ROOT}/tutorials/

Import libraries

The compilation is done using python. The processing procedure in python is described below.
First, import libraries.

import os
import onnx
import tvm
import sys
import numpy as np

from tvm import relay, runtime
from tvm.relay import mera
from tvm.contrib import graph_executor
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
from optparse import OptionParser

Load pretraind model

In this tutorial, downloaded onnx model is used to show sample compilation flow.

onnx_model = onnx.load_model("./resnet18-v1-7.onnx")

If you want to know other sample case, please reference below tutorials.
Compile Deep Learning Models

Compile model with relay

input_node_name = "data"
input_shape     =s[1,3,224,224]
shape_dict = {input_node_name:input_shape}
mod, params = relay.frontend.from_onnx(onnx_model, shape_dict)

Run backend to build deploy files

Before run build function, set drp configuration for runtime.

drp_config_runtime = {
    "interpreter": False,
    "addr_map_start": 0x0,
    "toolchain_dir": <TRANSRATOR PATH>,
    "sdk_root": <SDK PATH>

The definition of "addr_map_start" is currently not working, so 0x0 is set.

"toolchain_dir" and "sdk_root" is directories where DRP-AI Translator and SDK are installed, respectively.

To make deploy files for runtime application, run build function.

# Define output directory name
output_dir = "./resnet18_onnx"
# Run build operation of TVM backend, \
          params, \
         "arm", \
          drp_config_runtime, \
          output_dir=output_dir, \
          disable_concat = opts["disable_concat"]

After build operation, the following files will be generated.

 └── resnet18_onnx
      ├─ deploy.params
      ├─ deploy.json

These files are needed to run the run-time program on a evaluation board. See "How to Run the Application" for how to deploy.

Sample Scripts

There are three types of sample scripts to compile an AI model.

  1. Compile script with onnx model [CPU and DRP-AI accelerator]
  2. Compile script with pytorch model [CPU and DRP-AI accelerator]
  3. Compile script with onnx model [Only CPU]

All scripts use the DRP-AI Pre-processing Runtime Compile Module to generate Object files for pre-processing, which is preprocess directory in the output directory.
For more details on DRP-AI Pre-processing Runtime, please refer to its Documentation.

1. Compile onnx models

1.1. Example using Resnet from the official ONNX model zoo

cd ./tutorials/
# Download onnx model from official ONNX model zoo
python3 \
    ./resnet18-v1-7.onnx \
    -o resnet18_onnx \
    -s 1,3,224,224 \
    -i data

2. Compile pytorch models

2.1. Example using Resnet from torchvision

# At <drp-ai_tvm>/tutorials
# Download resnet18 model from torchvision & save it as
# Run DRP-AI TVM[*1] Compiler script
python3 \
    ./ \
    -o resnet18_torch \
    -s 1,3,224,224

3. Compile tensorflow models

3.1. Example using Resnet from TensorFlow Hub

# At <drp-ai_tvm>/tutorials
# Download resnet50 model from TensorFlow Hub
mkdir resnet50-v1
wget -O resnet50-v1.tar.gz
tar zxvf resnet50-v1.tar.gz -C resnet50-v1
# Convert model from TensorFlow to TFLite
# Run DRP-AI TVM[*1] Compiler script
python3 \
    ./resnet50-v1.tflite \
    -o resnet50_tflite -s 1,224,224,3

4. Compile using CPU-only deploy mode

4.1. Example using Resnet from the official ONNX model zoo

# At <drp-ai_tvm>/tutorials
# Download onnx model from official ONNX model zoo
python3 \
        ./resnet18-v1-7.onnx \
        -o resnet18_onnx_cpu \
        -s 1,3,224,224 \
        -i data

Please see Compile API for details


Start Address above is defined for following preprocessing.

  • Input data
    • Shape: 4096x2060x2
    • Format: YUV
    • Order: HWC
    • Type: uint8
  • Output data
    • Shape: 640x640x3
    • Format: RGB
    • Order: CHW
    • Type: float
  • Preprocessing operations:
    • Resize
    • Normalize

When using preprocessing which has more computation than above conditions, the Start Address must be larger than the above value.

To set the new address, satisfy following conditions.

  • The address must be within the DRP-AI memory area, which is reserved memory area in RZ/V Linux Package.
  • The address must be aligned with 64-byte boundary.
  • The address must be larger than (Start address of DRP-AI memory area) + (Size of memory area required by DRP-AI Pre-processing Runtime Object files)

[*1]: DRP-AI TVM is powered by EdgeCortix MERA™ Compiler Framework.