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Adam Knight edited this page Feb 10, 2015 · 1 revision

Generally-speaking, the variables available in a template are the methods on NSEntityDescription plus a handful added via categories in mogenerator.m. Additional template variables can be set via the command line option --template-var.

The most current list will always be the method names in mogenerator.h for the various class names. Again, the root variable context is the current NSEntityDescription object.

Obj-C 2.0

The following are set when the --v2 option is used to generate modern Obj-C output. You can also turn each feature on separately if you desire.

Name Type Description
TemplateVar.arc bool Use ARC.
TemplateVar.literals bool Use Obj-C literals.
TemplateVar.modules bool Use Obj-C module imports.


For the current list of all methods, see Apple's Core Data documentation for the class. Commonly-used and useful values are presented below for convenience.

Name Type Description
managedObjectClassName String The name of the class. You'll use this a lot.
name String The name of the entity.
abstract bool True if this is an abstract entity.

NSEntityDescription Additions

The following are additions to NSEntityDescription and are available for use as first-class values in your templates.

Base Class

Name Type Description
hasCustomSuperentity bool True if the entity or its superentity has a custom base class.
hasSuperentity bool True if the entity has a superentity defined in the model file.
customSuperentity String The name of this entity's class, the superentity's class, or NSManagedObject.
hasCustomBaseCaseImport bool True if the user has specified a custom base class import string.
baseClassImport String The user-specified base class import string.

Additional Imports

Name Type Description
hasAdditionalHeaderFile bool True if the user has specified an additional header file to import for this entity (user info key additionalHeaderFileName).
additionalHeaderFileName String The name of the additional header file to import.


Name Type Description
noninheritedAttributes Array[NSAttributeDescription] All non-inherited attributes (sorted by name).
noninheritedAttributesSansType Array[NSAttributeDescription] All non-inherited attributes (except any called type; see #74).
noninheritedRelationships Array[NSRelationshipDescription] All non-inherited relationships (sorted by name).
noninheritedFetchedProperties Array[NSFetchedPropertyDescription] All non-inherited fetched properties (sorted by name).
indexedNoninheritedAttributes Array[NSAttributeDescription] All non-inherited attributes whose isIndexed is YES.
fetchedPropertiesByName Dictionary{String, NSFetchedPropertyDescription} All fetched properties.

User Info

Note about user info keys: Only keys whose name consists of Unicode alphanumerics and/or the underscore will be returned. The hasUserInfoKeys respects this limitation and will be zero if no keys match.

Name Type Description
hasUserInfoKeys bool True if the entity has userInfo keys.
userInfoByKeys Dictionary{String, String} All userInfo keys (see note above).
userInfoKeyValues Array[NSEntityUserInfoDescription] All of the user info keys, sorted by name (see note above).

NSAttributeDescription Additions

When iterating over a collection of attributes, the following additional variables are available on the attribute.

Name Type Description
hasScalarAttributeType bool True if the attribute is numeric (including boolean).
scalarAttributeType String The language-aware scalar (native) type (eg. uint32_t or UInt32).
scalarAccessorMethodName String The method name on NSNumber that will return the scalar type.
scalarFactoryMethodName String The class method on NSNumber that will create a number from the scalar type.
hasDefinedAttributeType bool True if the attribute has a defined type in the model (ie. is not set to "undefined").
hasAttributeTransformableProtocols bool True if the user info key attributeTransformableProtocols is set.
objectAttributeTransformableProtocols Array[String] The list of user-specified protocols this property uses (to be declared at the start of the machine header file).
objectAttributeClassName String The class of the attribute.
objectAttributeType String The language-aware type declaration statement.
hasTransformableAttributeType bool True if the attribute is set to Transformable in the model.
isReadonly bool True if the attribute has been declared read-only (via user info key mogenerator.readonly).

NSRelationshipDescription Additions

Name Type Description
jr_isOrdered bool Returns the -[NSRelationshipDescription isOrdered] value, but only if the object responds to it (for earlier versions of Core Data).
immutableCollectionClassName String The language- and ordered-aware name of the immutable relationship collection class.
mutableCollectionClassName String The language- and ordered-aware name of the mutable relationship collection class.