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193 lines (132 loc) · 7.35 KB
layout title permalink comments
Theme Setup


Minimal Mistakes now requires Jekyll 2.2+. Make sure to run gem update jekyll if you aren't on the latest version or gem install jekyll if this is your first time installing it.

If you are creating a new Jekyll site using Leonids follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Leonids.
  2. Clone the repo you just forked and rename it.
  3. Update config.yml, add navigation, and replace demo posts and pages with your own. Full details below.

If you want to use Minimal Mistakes with an existing Jekyll site follow these steps:

  1. Download Leonids and unzip.
  2. Rename leonids-master to something meaningful ie: my_blog
  3. Remove demo posts/pages and replace with your own posts, pages, and any other content you want to move over.
  4. Update posts' and pages' YAML to match variables used by Leonids. Full details below.
  5. Update _config.yml and add navigation links. Full details below.

Pro-tip: Delete the gh-pages branch after cloning and start fresh by branching off master. There is a bunch of garbage in gh-pages used for the theme's demo site that I'm guessing you won't want. {: .notice}

Running Jekyll

If jekyll build and jekyll serve throw errors you may have to run Jekyll with bundled exec instead.

In some cases, running executables without bundle exec may work, if the executable happens to be installed in your system and does not pull in any gems that conflict with your bundle.

However, this is unreliable and is the source of considerable pain. Even if it looks like it works, it may not work in the future or on another machine.

{% highlight text %} bundle exec jekyll build

bundle exec jekyll serve {% endhighlight %}


How Leonids is organized and what the various files are. All posts, layouts, includes, stylesheets, assets, and whatever else is grouped nicely under the root folder. The compiled Jekyll site outputs to _site/.

{% highlight text %} minimal-mistakes/ ├── _includes/ | ├── disqus.html # Disqus comments script | ├── footer.html # site footer | ├── head.html # site head | ├── sidebar.html # site sidebar/top navigation | ├── social-links.html # site owner social links management | ├── post-section.html # post section | └── js.html # site javascripts ├── _layouts/ | ├── default.html # default layout | ├── page.html # page layout | ├── post-index.html # post index layout | └── post.html # single post layout ├── _posts/ # MarkDown formatted posts ├── _sass/ # Sass stylesheets | └── pages/ # Sass stylesheets for specific pages ├── css/ # compiled stylesheets ├── fonts/ # fontawesome 4.4.0 ├── js/ | ├── main.js # main JavaScript file | └── jquery-2.1.4.min.js # jQuery 2.1.4 min file ├── img/ # images for posts and pages ├── feed.xml # Atom feed template ├── # sample homepage. ├── archive.html # sample archive page. lists all posts in reverse chronology ├── tags.html # sample tags page. lists all tags included in the site └── # theme setup page. safe to remove {% endhighlight %}

Site Setup

A quick checklist of the files you'll want to edit to get up and running.

Site Wide Configuration

_config.yml is your friend. Open it up and personalize it. Most variables are self explanatory but here's an explanation of each if needed:


The title of your site... shocker!

Example title: My Awesome Site


Used to generate absolute urls in sitemap.xml, feed.xml, and for generating canonical URLs in <head>. When developing locally either comment this out or use something like http://localhost:4000 so all assets load properly. Don't include a trailing /.


{% highlight yaml %} url: url: http://localhost:4000 url: // url: {% endhighlight %}

Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools

Will be working on it in the future.

New Post

Just create a markdown file named something like: in the directory _posts, and here you go.

New Page

You can create a page by adding directly a markdown file or html file under the root path or a directory with a index page inside. You can check this page for more details.

Layouts and Content

Explanations of the various _layouts included with the theme and when to use them.

Post and Page

These two layouts are very similar. Both have an author sidebar and optional Disqus comments. The only real difference is the post layout includes related posts at the end of the page.

Post Index Page

A [sample index page]({{ site.url }}/) listing all posts grouped by the year they were published has been provided. The name can be customized to your liking by editing a few references.

Author Override

By making use of data files you can assign different authors for each post.

Start by modifying authors.yml file in the _data folder and add your authors using the following format.

{% highlight yaml %}


billy_rick: name: Billy Rick web: email: bio: "What do you want, jewels? I am a very extravagant man." avatar: bio-photo-2.jpg twitter: extravagantman google: plus: +BillyRick

cornelius_fiddlebone: name: Cornelius Fiddlebone email: bio: "I ordered what?" avatar: bio-photo.jpg twitter: rhymeswithsackit google: plus: +CorneliusFiddlebone {% endhighlight %}

To assign Billy Rick as an author for our post. We'd add the following YAML front matter to a post:

{% highlight yaml %} author: billy_rick {% endhighlight %}

Social Sharing Links

Social sharing links for Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ are included on posts/pages by default. If you'd like to use different social networks modify _includes/social-links.html to your liking. Icons are set using Font Awesome.

Further Customization

Jekyll 2.x added support for Sass files making it much easier to modify a theme's fonts and colors. By editing values found in _sass/variables.scss you can fine tune the site's colors and typography.

For example if you wanted a red background instead of white you'd change $text-color: #444; to $text-color: $cc0033;.


Found a bug or aren't quite sure how something works? By all means Ping me on Twitter @mmistakes or file a GitHub Issue. And if you make something cool with this theme feel free to let me know.


This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the MIT License. So feel free to use this Jekyll theme on your site without linking back to me or including a disclaimer.