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Adding Capability for BYO Object Store

This document outlines the current architecture of how Object Stores are used by kots and kotsadm, and a proposal for modifying how it is configured to allow end users of kotsadm to bring their own object store rather than using an embedded minio instance.


  • For kots install and kots pull, allow an end user to bring their own object store rather than using an embedded minio instance that requires the cluster to include a storage class.
  • Move closer to unifying the YAML used across kots install and the kURL addon (or, at the very least, avoid creating any more differences between the two methods)

Architecture Background

An Object store is required by kots to store each version of the deployable application. For each version deployed, a tar bundle is pushed to the object store which contains the upstream, base, and overlays directories from the application. This includes any end-user specified Config, Application, and/or License state stored in upstream/userdata, as well as any custom last-mile kustomize changes made in overlays/.

When a new upstream version is detected by kotsadm, either via polling or via an airgap bundle upload, the new upstream version will be templated out, with the user-supplied config and overlays from the previous version being applied to the new version from upstream. Once the upstream has been inflated to upstream, base, and overlays, it is bundled and pushed to a new key in the object store.

Versions stored in the object store are used

  1. To deploy a specific version of the application after the upstream has been processed
  2. To roll back to previous versions of the application (if allowRollback is specified).

Current Architecture

In every case, five environment variables are configured for kotsadm and kotsadm-api:


Per Marc, S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT controls the addressing pattern to be used for the bucket (host vs path based bucket routing)

My understanding of this param is that it controls whether the client (our s3 internal client) uses path style or dns style bucket naming. (

I believe that minio doesn't currently support bucket dns names in K8s, so we rely on this legacy pattern of addressing buckets

I'd propose that we continue hard-coding this to "true" and consider adding a flag for it if necessary, as I don't believe the "false" or empty "" implementation has been tested in quite some time.

On kots install, a secret kotsadm-minio is created with the following fields:

  • accesskey
  • secretkey

These are generated UIDs, as of kots 1.14.2, they are UUIDs:

		_, err := clientset.CoreV1().Secrets(namespace).Create(s3Secret(namespace, uuid.New().String(), uuid.New().String()))

kotsadm and kotsadm-api Deployments get their environment variables as follows:

  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID from the kotsadm-minio secret
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from the kotsadm-minio secret
  • S3_ENDPOINT hardcoded to http://kotsadm-minio:9000
  • S3_BUCKET_NAME hardcoded to kotsadm
  • S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT hardcoded to the string true

As with kots install, kotsadm and kotsadm-api Deployments get their environment variables as follows:

  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID from the kotsadm-minio secret
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from the kotsadm-minio secret
  • S3_ENDPOINT hardcoded to http://kotsadm-minio:9000
  • S3_BUCKET_NAME hardcoded to kotsadm
  • S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT hardcoded to the string true

a kotsadmtypes.DeployOptions is built from an instance of upstream.UpstreamSettings in generateNewAdminConsoleFiles, and the files are written to disk.

With kURL

In kURL, we create a secret kotsadm-s3, with the following fields:

  • access-key-id -- generated
  • secret-access-key -- generated
  • endpoint -- hardcoded to http://rook-ceph-rgw-rook-ceph-store.rook-ceph

kotsadm and kotsadm-api deployments pull this in via:

  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID from the kotsadm-s3 secret
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from the kotsadm-s3 secret
  • S3_ENDPOINT from the kotsadm-s3 secret
  • S3_BUCKET_NAME hardcoded to kotsadm
  • S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT hardcoded to the string true

Proposed New Changes

This covers a proposal for kots install. It includes migrating the kotsadm-minio secret to kotsadm-s3, which probably is trickier in the kots pull case, but I'd like to table that for now, avoiding kots pull considerations. If it is clear this will cause a lot of friction, we can consider leaving the secret called kotsadm-minio and kick that can down the road.

API Changes

  • Add a flag to the kots CLI --object-store=external options are minio,external, flags whether to use an external object store. Used so as not to overload access-key-id and friends with toggling this external object store functionality on/off. I'm on the fence about requiring this to be passed, maybe we could simplify and remove it. Defaults to minio
  • Add a flag to the kots CLI --object-store-access-key-id
  • Add a flag to the kots CLI --object-store-secret-access-key
  • Add a flag to the kots CLI --object-store-bucket-name
  • Add a flag to the kots CLI --object-store-endpoint but can be empty to use Amazon S3

Question: should the object store types minio and external should be constants in the types package? Or a separate configuration package?

Internal changes

Validating configuration

If --object-store=minio, validation should fail if any of the following is set:

  • --object-store-access-key-id
  • --object-store-secret-access-key
  • --object-store-bucket-name
  • --object-store-endpoint

If --object-store=external, validation should fail if any of the following is unset:

  • --object-store-access-key-id
  • --object-store-secret-access-key
  • --object-store-bucket-name

Once validated, these options should all be added to the kotsadmtypes.DeployOptions object passed into kotsadm.Deploy().

Mapping user-supplied values when creating the secret

Based on object-store=external, pipe in the values of object-store-access-key-id and object-store-secret-access-key to the kotsadm-minio secret values of accesskey and secretkey.

Add a new field bucket-name to match the field name in the secret created by kURL. If --object-store=minio, set this to the current hardcoded value: kotsadm.

Add a new field endpoint to match the field name in the secret created by kURL. If --object-store=minio, set this to the current hardcoded value: http://kotsadm-minio:9000.

Add a new field for bucket-endpoint, if --object-store=external, either:

  1. If --object-store-endpoint is empty, set endpoint and bucket-endpoint to an empty string ""
  2. If --object-store-endpoint is not empty, set endpoint to the value provided and set bucket-endpoint to the string "true"

Updating deployed objects

accesskey and secretkey should continue to be accessed in the same way by both kotsadm and kotsadm-api deployments.

kotsadm and kotsadm-api should be modified to pull the S3_ENDPOINT field from the kotsadm-minio secret rather than hardcoding it to the embedded kotsadm-minio service.

kotsadm and kotsadm-api should be modified to pull the S3_BUCKET_NAME field from the kotsadm-minio secret rather than hardcoding it to the default kotsadm bucket.

kotsadm and kotsadm-api should continue to hard-code the S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT flag to true until we can get a better understanding of the behavior when this is not set.

Out of Scope

I'd like to propose that the following be considered out scope:

  • Usage of a kURL cluster with an external object store
  • Migrating the kotsadm-minio secret to match the secret name that kURL uses (kotsadm-s3)
  • Allowing for alternative methods of providing AWS credentials, including
    • pulling from environment variables
    • pulling from default AWS credentials locations
    • pulling from other default cloud provider credentials locations (e.g. Azure, GCS)
    • using instance roles to communicate with the object store
    • specifying an existing in-cluster secret for s3 credentials