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kubectl grid

A kubectl plugin to create test clusters and manage test runs on the clusters.


Create a grid

$ kubectl grid create --from-yaml ./examples/basic/grid.yaml

Deploy an app to all clusters in the grid

$ kubectl grid deploy --grid eks-existing --application ./examples/basic/kots-app.yaml

List namespaces on one of the clusters in the grid

$ kubectl grid get grids

$ kubectl grid describe grid eks-existing

$ kuebctl grid get ns --grid eks-existing --cluster 

Execute an experiment on all applications in the grid

Delete and clean up all resources created

$ kubectl grid delete my-grid


Why not Terraform/Pulumi?

Great question. We love all of the mature automation tools that can spin up production-grade, best-practices, rock-solid infrastructure. But a test grid isn't production grade. We wanted to focused on test grid execution speed instea of building production-grade clusters. So, keep using Terraform and other tools to manage your prod cluster, this project is NOT what you want there.