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Releases: replikation/What_the_Phage


17 Jan 13:45
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Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.3

Database fix and sourmash version command change fix

closes 31c2416, 1d3ed88, 10026f9, d34d428, d09808c

Release v1.2.1

03 Mar 11:41
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several readme updates (9e307db adb5c72 cdcb186 9b5ab32)

updated citation (95f3348)

fixed issue #182(f613d87)
fixed issue #183 (165bd3d) and #174 (bcf2fdb)
fixed Tab. 2 from p value to score #184 (165bd3d)

Release v1.2.0

17 Aug 11:31
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  • updated the code for Reviewer comments of Gigascience
  • fixed #169 59e6021 and 6e1c50f
  • default run option with tools that were benchmarked 90a0bb8
  • user custom database for phage annotation via hmmscan (*.hmm) 1fa19d4

Release v1.1.0

15 Apr 11:26
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correct release number v1.1.0 instead of v.1.1.0 #160

Release v1.1.0

02 Mar 13:27
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  • WtP generates a summary report (HTML file) #158
    • for better user interaction
    • summary report contains
      • overview (UpSet plot)
      • Phage annotations
      • CheckV output
      • Phage prediction table
      • Taxonomic phage classification
  • code rework (higher modularization) #145
    • stub (fast test of channels and modules) #139

Pre-release wget_quick_fix v1.0.3

09 Dec 12:30
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  • added --no-check-certificate to wget for download_DBs

Release v1.0.2

16 Jun 16:09
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  • Bugfixes fc18d6a
    • Nextflow version not recognized properly when using Nexflow 21.07.xx solved
  • cloudprofile (dev test atm, some tools not working, )
    • will be added in a future major release

Virsorter2 update from @papanikos

  • split vs2 db download to separate module a29c0e6
  • update all virsorter2 tasks with db 04426ed
  • update virsorter2 module 6dea944
  • be more explicit on dir names 3f2750a
  • rename for coherence with other dbs 482aad6
  • handle vs2 in the main workflow 7b5fb33
  • update image tag f8b7ec0

Marvel Update from @papanikos 5efc9f6

Release v1.0.1

21 Dec 16:39
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  • added virsorter2 to local and node config, also gave virnet more cores 4d9ffa2
  • closes #123

Release v1.0.0 [NEXTFLOW version 20.07.1]

30 Oct 15:21
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Release v0.9.0 [NEXTFLOW version 20.07.1]

15 Sep 15:14
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  • New Tool Integration: Phigaro d675d96
    • added our own Phigaro-Docker to the container.config file (maintanance reasons for dockerhub) 2c071f1
  • Integrated a new testprofile for a faster testrun: -profile local,smalltest,docker 5875486
    • this testprofile runs the test-data/all_pos_phage.fa dataset
    • updated Readme with the smalltest profile and runtime and WtP simple flow chart from preprint fbde9e8
  • fixed name changing input contigs by Vibrant d675d96
  • added a version control header 5875486
  • added max cores for local runs 8a1476e
  • Update 7725fd8