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Regular Expression Search

  • A Keyword-search Tool based on Regular Expressions(Regex)
  • Support rich rules to extract text spans and attach tags and get representative words.


Define Rules

JSON Example

{"regex": "(Bob )?Dylan", "repr": "Bob Dylan"},
{"id": "001", "regex": "(N|n)ame ?: ?([a-zA-Z ]+)", "target_regex_group": 2, "tags": ["PERSON_NAME"]}

Rexearch reads a JSON rule list from your own file. a rule may contain following key-values

  • regex (str) - Whole Regular Expression that you want to search. Mandatory.
  • target_regex_group (int) - The target group number that you want to extract as raw. You may want to extract just some part of whole expression.
  • tags (list of str) - This will put some additional tags on the rule.
  • id (str) - Set rule_id if it needed
  • repr (str or f-string) - Representative word of this word. You can also write f-string using {} and group(int) in it. For example, "{group(2)} Month" will generate proper representation based on the object.

Search Them All

import rexearch

rx = rexearch.Rexearch()
sample_input = open("sample_input.txt", mode="rt").read()
results =

for result in results:
{'raw': 'Bob Dylan', 'start': 0, 'end': 9, 'repr': 'Bob Dylan'}
{'raw': 'Dylan', 'start': 178, 'end': 183, 'repr': 'Bob Dylan'}
{'raw': 'Dylan', 'start': 646, 'end': 651, 'repr': 'Bob Dylan'}
{'raw': 'Bob Dylan', 'start': 731, 'end': 740, 'repr': 'Bob Dylan'}
{'raw': 'Dylan', 'start': 811, 'end': 816, 'repr': 'Bob Dylan'}
{'raw': 'John Smith', 'start': 935, 'end': 945, 'rule_id': 'sample.rule.001', 'tags': ['PERSON_NAME']}
{'raw': 'Dongwook Lee', 'start': 1012, 'end': 1024, 'rule_id': 'sample.rule.001', 'tags': ['PERSON_NAME']}
{'raw': 'Sarah Connor', 'start': 1091, 'end': 1103, 'rule_id': 'sample.rule.001', 'tags': ['PERSON_NAME']}
{'raw': 'Good', 'start': 999, 'end': 1003, 'repr': 'Positive', 'rule_id': 'sample.rule.002', 'tags': ['RATE', 'EMOTION']}
{'raw': 'Great', 'start': 1077, 'end': 1082, 'repr': 'Positive', 'rule_id': 'sample.rule.002', 'tags': ['RATE', 'EMOTION']}
{'raw': '10,000 Dollars', 'start': 888, 'end': 902, 'repr': '$10000', 'rule_id': 'sample.rule.003', 'tags': ['PRICE']}

Set Search Mode

from rexearch import Rexearch, SEARCH_MODE

rx = Rexearch(mode=SEARCH_MODE.SEPARATED)
  • SEARCH_MODE.SEPARATED : Default mode. Search one by one.
  • SEARCH_MODE.UNIFIED : This mode internally merge the regular expressions with '|' and run a single search. The result should be the same with the default.
  • SEARCH_MODE.MULTI_THREAD : This mode creates threads for each rule and run concurrently.

Note - In many cases, the default(separated) mode is faster than others because of handling time.

Inject Custom Functions

You can inject your own python function into rexearch.custom_functions dict. They can be called by f-string of your repr definition


from rexearch import Rexearch
import time
import json

# Define custom function
def get_ctime_str():
    return time.ctime()[4:]

rxch = Rexearch()
rxch.custom_functions["now"] = get_ctime_str # inject custom function 'now'

# in 'repr' you can call a function inside.
json_str = """[
        "regex": "[cC]urrent [tT]ime", 

input_text = "I'm checking the current time."
result =
[{'raw': 'current time', 'start': 17, 'end': 29, 'repr': 'Jan 14 17:35:44 2021', 'tags': ['TIME']}]

Set Validations to Filter Your Results

You can add validation of each rule. Rexearch will ignore the match if the validation is failed. It finds your validation function name in rexearch.custom_functions dict. Or you can simply write a python lambda function.


from rexearch import Rexearch
import json

# Define validation function
def check_id(item):
    if item["raw"] in ["replon87", "dylan", "awesome_id", "supersonic", "Dongwook"]:
        return True
        return False

rxch = Rexearch()
rxch.custom_functions["check_id"] = check_id

# set 'validation' as custom_function name or lambda function
json_str = """[
{"regex" : "(id)|(ID) ?: ?([_\\\\-0-9a-zA-Z]{2,})", "target_regex_group":3, "tags":["ID"], "validation":"check_id"},
{"regex" : "[aA][gG][eE] ?: ?([1-9][0-9]*)", "target_regex_group":1, "tags":["AGE"], "validation":"lambda x: int(x['raw'])>=15"}]"""


input_text = """
Name: John
Name: dylan
Name: Dongwook
ID: supersonic (valid)
ID: replon87 (valid)
ID: invalid_id
Age: 55 (valid)
Age: 12
Age: 25 (valid)
result =
[{'raw': '55', 'start': 131, 'end': 133, 'tags': ['AGE']}, 
{'raw': '25', 'start': 163, 'end': 165, 'tags': ['AGE']}, 
{'raw': 'supersonic', 'start': 59, 'end': 69, 'tags': ['ID']}, 
{'raw': 'replon87', 'start': 86, 'end': 94, 'tags': ['ID']}]


Version 0.1

  • (0.1.0) First runnable. Only supports SEARCH_MODE.SEPARATE mode.
  • (0.1.1) Rename function load_json to load_json_file, Added basic tests
  • (0.1.2) Support mode SEARCH_MODE.UNIFIED
  • (0.1.3) Support mode SEARCH_MODE.MULTI_THREAD
  • (0.1.4) Support custom_functions and validation
  • (0.1.5)
    • Support .csv read
    • Added rexearch.utils - write rules into .json or .csv
    • Changed a term : categories -> tags
  • (0.1.6)
    • Speed up by using representation cache