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Managing student repositories (the repos category)

The repos category of commands allows you to manage student repositories with a few simple, high-level operations. Each action in the repos category is more or less independent.


For an up-to-date listing of all repos actions, run repobee repos -h.

Set up student repositories (the setup action)

Now that the template repos are set up, it's time to create the student repos. While student usernames can be specified on the command line, it's often convenient to have them written down in a file instead. Let's pretend I have three students with usernames slarse, glassey and glennol. I'll simply create a file called students.txt and type each username on a separate line.



It is possible to specify groups of students to get access to the same repos by putting multiple usernames on the same line, separated by spaces. For example, the following file will put slarse and glassey in the same group.

slarse glassey

See :ref:`groups` for details.

An absolute file path to this file can be added to the config file with the students_file option (see :ref:`config`). If you manage multiple sets of students, this probably isn't useful to you, but if you always have a single set of students to manage it might be.

Now, what we want to accomplish is to create one copy of each template repo for each student. The repo names will be on the form <username>-<template-repo-name>, guaranteeing their uniqueness. Each student will also be added to a team (which bears the same name as the student's user), and it is the team that is allowed access to the student's repos, not the student's actual user. That all sounded fairly complex, but again, it's as simple as issuing a single command with RepoBee.

$ repobee repos setup --assignments task-1 task-2 --students-file students.txt
# you will see progress bars here to show how far along the setup process is
[WARNING] user glennol does not exist


If you have specified the students_file option in the config file, then you don't need to specify --sf students.txt on the command line. Remember also that options specified on the command line always take precedence over those in the configuration file, so you can override the default students file if you wish by specifying --sf..

Note that there was a [WARNING] message for the username glennol: the user does not exist. At KTH, this is common, as many (sometimes most) first-time students will not have created their GitHub accounts until sometime after the course starts. These students will still have their repos created, but the users need to be added to their teams at a later time (to do this, simply run the repos setup command again for these students, once they have created accounts). This is one reason why we use teams for access privileges: it's easy to set everything up even when the students have yet to create their accounts (given that their usernames are pre-determined).

And that's it for setting up the course, the organization is primed and the students should have access to their repositories!

Updating student repositories (the update action)

Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations where it is necessary to push updates to student repositories after they have been published. As long as students have not started working on their repos, this is fairly simple: just push the new files to all of the related student repos. However, if students have started working on their repos, then we have a problem. Let's start out with the easy case where no students have worked on their repos.

Scenario 1: Repos are unchanged

Let's say that we've updated task-1, and that users slarse, glassey and glennol should get the updates. Then, we simply run update like this:

$ repobee repos update --assignments task-1 --students slarse glennol glassey
# again, there will be progress bars here

That's all there is to it for this super simple case. But what if glassey had started working on glassey-task-1?


Here, --students slarse glennol glassey was used to directly specify student usernames on the command line, instead of pointing to a students file with --sf students.txt. All commands that require you to specify student usernames can be used with either the -s|--students or the --sf|--students-file options.

Scenario 2: At least 1 repo altered

Let's assume now that glassey has started working on the repo. Since we do not force pushes to the student repos, the push to glassey-task-1 will be rejected. This is good, we don't want to overwrite a student's progress because we messed up with the original repository. There are a number of things one could do in this situation, but in RepoBee, we opted for a very simple solution: open an issue in the student's repo that explains the situation.


If you don't specify an issue to repos update, rejected pushes will simply be ignored.

So, let's first create that issue. It should be a Markdown-formatted file, and the first line in the file will be used as the title. Here's an example file called

This is a nice title

### Sorry, we messed up!
There are some grave issues with your repo, and since you've pushed to the
repo, you need to apply these patches yourself.


Something like that. If the students have used git for a while, it may be enough to include the ouptut from git diff, but for less experienced students, plain text is more helpful. Now it's just a matter of using repobee update and including with the -i|--issue argument.

$ repobee repos update --assignments task-1 --students slarse glennol glassey -i
[ERROR] Failed to push to https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1
return code: 128
fatal: repository 'https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1/' not found
[WARNING] 1 pushes failed ...
[ERROR] Failed to push to https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1
return code: 128
fatal: repository 'https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1/' not found
[WARNING] 1 pushes failed ...
[ERROR] Failed to push to https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1
return code: 128
fatal: repository 'https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1/' not found
[WARNING] 1 pushes failed ...

Note that RepoBee tries to push 3 times before finally giving up and opening an issue, as a failed push could be due to any number of reasons, such as connection issues and misaligned planets.


If you forget to specify the -i|--issue argument and get a rejection, you may simply rerun update and add it. All updated repos will simply be listed as up-to-date (which is a successful update!), and the rejecting repos will still reject the push. However, be careful not to run update with -i multiple times, as it will then open multiple issues.

Cloning Repos in Bulk (the clone action)

It can at times be beneficial to be able to clone a bunch of student repos at the same time. It could for example be prudent to do this slightly after a deadline, as timestamps in a git commit can easily be altered (and are therefore not particularly trustworthy). Whatever your reason may be, it's very simple using the clone command. Again, assume that we have the students.txt file from :ref:`setup`, and that we want to clone all student repos based on task-1 and task-2.

$ repobee repos clone -a task-1 task-2 --sf students.txt
[INFO] cloning into student repos ...
[INFO] Cloned into https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/slarse-task-1
[INFO] Cloned into https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-1
[INFO] Cloned into https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glassey-task-2
[INFO] Cloned into https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glennol-task-1
[INFO] Cloned into https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/slarse-task-2
[INFO] Cloned into https://some-enterprise-host/repobee-demo/glennol-task-2

Splendid! That's really all there is to the basic functionality, the repos should now be in your current working directory. There is also a possibility to run automated tasks on cloned repos, such as running test suites or linters. If you're not satisfied with the tasks on offer, you can define your own. Read more about it in the :ref:`plugins` section.


For security reasons, RepoBee doesn't actually use git clone to clone repositories. Instead, RepoBee clones by initializing the repository and running git pull. The practical implication is that you can't simply enter a repository that's been cloned with RepoBee and run git pull to fetch updates. You will have to run repos clone again in a different directory to fetch any updates students have made, alternatively simply delete to particular repositories you want to clone again and then run repos clone.

Migrate repositories into the target (or template) organization (the migrate action)

Migrating repositories into an organization can be useful in a few cases. You may have repos that should be accessible to students and need to be moved across course rounds, or you might be storing your template repos in the target organization and need to migrate them for each new course round. To migrate repos into the target organization, they must be local on disc. Assuming we have the repos task-1 and task-2 in the current working directory (i.e. local repos), all we have to do is this:

$ repobee repos migrate --assignments task-1 task-2


It may seem a bit odd that the --assignments option is used to specify the repos to migrate. This is an implementation detail that makes it easier to handle the command, but may be changed in the future for better usability.


If you want to use this command to migrate repos into a template organization, you must specify it with the --org-name option here (instead of the --template-org-name).

Only the defualt branch is actually migrated, and is pushed to that same default branch in the new repo. Migrating several branches is something that we've never had a need to do, but if you do, please open an issue on GitHub with a feature request. migrate is perfectly safe to run several times, in case you think you missed something, or need to update repos. In fact, all RepoBee commands that deal with pushing to or cloning from repos in some way are safe to run over and over. This is mostly because of how Git works, and has little to do with RepoBee itself.