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René Samselnig edited this page Sep 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Lists the statements and transactions currently active in the given DBMS.

Table of Contents


  • Uses PostgreSQL's feature of the statement activity
  • Returned statements can be optionally filtered by query, pids, and states
  • Currently PostgreSQL only


usage: dbstac [-h] [--version] [--trace] [--debug] [--info] [--warning]
              [--error] [--critical] [-L LOGFILE] [-D] [-u USERNAME] [-p PIDS]
              [-s STATES] [-a] [-v]
              uri [pattern]

Lists the statements and transactions currently active in the DBMS.

positional arguments:
  uri                   the URI to a DBMS
  pattern               shows only queries that match the pattern (default: no

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        filter the user
  -p PIDS, --pids PIDS  filter the process ids of the activity; multiple
                        columns can be specified by separating them with a
  -s STATES, --states STATES
                        filter the states of the activity; multiple columns
                        can be specified by separating them with a comma
  -a, --all             show all activity, even those with insufficient
  -v, --verbose         specify the verbosity of the output, increase the
                        number of occurences of this option to increase

  --trace               set loglevel to trace
  --debug               set loglevel to debug
  --info                set loglevel to info
  --warning             set loglevel to warning
  --error               set loglevel to error
  --critical            set loglevel to critical
  -L LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        the file to log to

  -D, --default         output format: default

  If you experience bugs or want to request new features please visit


Show Statement Activity

dbstac user@localhost/database

8420	active	0:00:00.000650	select sa.datname database_name, pid, sa.usename username, coalesce(sa.client_addr || ':' || sa.client_port, '') as client, sa.xact_start transaction_start, sa.query_start query_start, sa.state state, regexp_replace(sa.query, '\s+', ' ', 'g') query, sa.waiting blocked, case when sa.waiting then string_agg(l.virtualxid, ',') else '' end blocked_by, now() - sa.xact_start as transaction_duration, now() - sa.query_start as query_duration from pg_stat_activity sa left join pg_locks l on = where 'skiline' in (sa.datname, '') and ( sa.state in ('') or array[''] = array[''] ) and (sa.state != 'disabled' or False) and '' in (sa.usename, '') and ( in (-1) or array[-1] = array[-1] ) and ( '' = '' or sa.query like '%%'