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In short, each page in the wiki should be a 'recipe' on how you run a "Research Bazaar" at your institution.

Introducing the ResBaz cookbook at THETA2015

To help aid in the organisation of the recipes we've created 3x "categories of recipes":

  • Community ResBaz Recipes (skill level: simplz spare time fun!)
  • Conference ResBaz Recipes (skill level: a day of pay keeps the community at bay)
  • Campaign ResBaz Recipes (skill level: kung fu cat wranglers unite)

When creating a recipe if you could categorise it via one of the above three "cookbook categories" (or add another category), we would be most obliged:

In the meantime ask us questions on Twitter (@ResPlat) and Gitter:

DISCLAIMER: Over the past 18 months of creating this community we've had a lot of community, confernce and campaign experiments, which means the data, information and knowledge about 'how to run a ResBaz at your Uni' is in all kinds of random places. Most of the advice to our community is on our blog and via our twitter chats with researchers (once people have been to one of our trainings we often have more in depth discussions via our chat room in Gitter). We also use a lot of GoogleDrive (docs, sheets, forms, slides). In short, we've attempted to provide an FAQ with links to these various resources below. Over the coming months (as we work with the wider international community spearheaded by Mozilla Science - "the brainiac's browser" ;-D) we'll organise this information into recipes on the wiki so it is easier to find, read and edit by everyone. Finally, we promise to keep everything open so anyone can use it, and best of all Mozilla Science as the community curator (NB one of the oldest on mass open source projects and digitally orientated not-for-profit foundations to date) will encourage everyone to be fair and share alike <-- thanks @MozillaScience :) If you have a question, don't hesitate to tweet me @DFFlanders or for more in depth questions join the ResBaz Gitter chat room:

#Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Below you will find 3x FAQs on "how to do a community, conference and/or campaign" at your University/Institution.

  • Q: What is the easiest / cheapest / most cost effective way to get started doing ResBaz at my institution? Spoiler alert! => community training!
    • A: Building a community is the cheapest way to get started as all it takes are people at your institution whose job description includes 'helping researchers'. If you can get three or more of these people across your institution (a librarian, an IT developer and excited postgraduate researcher) together with at least a day of their time per month dedicated to creating some training on a next gen digi res skill you know and all love, you are well on your way! Read the FAQ below on ResBaz COMMUNITY recipes.
  • Q: What if we already have a 'research community' ongoing at the institution and want to take it to the next level?
    • A: Healthy researcher communities will have a 'big drum-beat event' and many regular 'small drum-beat events' (usually a quarterly/monthly training). If you have already established regular small-drum-beat-events then you are ready for a 'big-drum beat event' => a ResBaz conference, read more about the logistics, certified trainers and tents you will need in the CONFERENCE recipes FAQ below!
  • Q: How do we convince our University to fund a Research Bazaar so that they will understand the overall value to the University for providing "next generation digital research skills"
    • A: Getting researchers to use next gen digi res skills is not a typical IT dept (or library) task. You can't just build a new tool (or announce a new dataset) for researchers, slap a helpdesk on it and expect it to get used (this is called "build it and they will come syndrome" <-- you ain't facebook, mate). You need a community of researchers working together on the tool sharing their ideas via trusted relationships (shocking news: "researchers are humans too!"). Or to use management speak, the University has spent millions on rolling out the "hard layers" of their digital infrastructure, they now must provide the "soft layers" atop their digital infrastructure layer cake (who wants a cake without candles!). Cool management slang like this and more below in the FAQ on building a CAMPAIGN to get ResBaz funded by your institution.

Community FAQ

  • **Q: What is the first thing you need to do at your Uni to get ResBaz going?"

    • A: get three people at your Uni who have Twitter accounts and start having a conversation online in the public, tagging your tweets with #ResBaz <-- you will get like-minded followers :) Start talking about real researchers (whom you each personally known) and ask them what new cools tools and datasets they are using.
    • **Recipe: [COMING SOON] Getting started with Twitter and hashtag #ResBaz <-- seriously dude, get the t-shirt and learn the hashtag-hand-sign already #hashtagblam.
  • Q What is the difference between the #ResBaz twitter hashtag and @ResBaz twitter handle?

  • **Q: We know of a really cool tool (and/or dataset) which half a dozen researchers would love some help on in using. How do we setup training to make sure we are not wasting their time?!

    • A: Blog before, blog during, blog after, blog in your sleep, blog everything - then reflect on your blog posts. The primary value of having a blog is not so you can talk to the world, it is so you can talk to yourself and your fellow co-conspirators. Because people freak-out when they publish something on the Web they usually spend a bit more time writing it than the average email, this means you'll have trail (and links) which you can point to as you progress, reflect and iterate. There is no project plan to be written for a ResBaz, just a commitment to be critically honest after every event you run. A blog keep your team humble and keeps them communicating in the open with your community (instead of through private closed exclusive emails). ResBaz is an Open Community, or it is NOT a ResBaz.
    • Recipe: [COMING SOON] Setting up you ResBaz blog.
  • **Q: How do we setup our first training event?

    • A: You are not alone, and you need to make sure to learn the NinjaFu skills of "PEDAGOGY" (so as to assure you are NOT do boring IT training #snore)
    • Recipe: [COMING SOON] The TileMill Training Course: At the start we were talking about the need for more beautiful-scholarly-looking-maps in research publications and how research which has a map is much more likely to be downloaded and cited.

DANGER - WORKING DRAFT QUESTIONS BELOW (please do edit and add your own questions about ResBizzle, Yo:

  • Q: How do we keep the ResBaz audience engaged?

    • TBA
  • ResBaz Recipes for a COMMUNITY!

    • recipe: PD for "Community manager" Professionalising what that means...
    • recipe: all the tools you use to get researchers talking with one another
    • recipe: how to make your own hackyhour
    • recipe: speed-dating
    • recipe: linking (bootstrapping) in with larger communities, swcarpentry, datacarpentry
    • What defines a ResBaz community
    • How do you create a community
    • How do you keep the community engaged
  • Q: How do we market ResBaz to capture the correct audience?

    • TBA
  • Q: Who can I chat to if I want to learn from another institution about how they got their #ResBaz community going at their institution?

  • Q: How will building a ResBaz Community help my Institution attract more students into PHD's (and covert them to successful ECRs)?

    • TBA

Conference FAQ

  • ResBaz Recipes for a CONFERENCE! Ingredients , Preparation , Cooking
    • what courses you want to do in the morning...
    • what social stuff you want to do in the afternoon... social stuff under the tents
    • what to do in the evening...
    • one size does not fit all...
      • ResBaz espresso
      • ResBaz
    • How many trainers per person is required?
    • How do we feed the masses?
    • How do we choose who can attend?
    • What are the expectations of the chosen participants?
    • How important is a Post Conference Survey?
    • What types of activities can we do as Ice Breakers?
    • What activities can we do to unite the group?

Campaign FAQ

  • ResBaz Recipes for a CAMPAIGN (for digital research skills)! twitter, gitter, blog,
    • Getting University money to recognise that digital research skills training is important.
      • People as Social Infrastructure...
    • Structure of the ResCom pyrmaid.
    • Position Descriptions for ResCom...

C_______ FAQ

Help us create new categories of 'ResBaz Recipes' by providing an FAQ below and adding your recipes as pages in this wiki!

  • Q: "'what question do people want to know to help them run ResBaz at their institutions?'
    • A: 'overview of the answer and links to the wiki pages aka ResBaz recipes!'

The voice