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Remove unsafe "j" interpolation (#6068)
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* Deprecate unsafe ``` j`$(a)$(b)` ``` interpolation

* Remove unsafe "j" string interpolation.

* Update

* Convert printexec and arg to .res

* Remove deprecated module `Printexc`

* Update artifacts.txt

* arg: use string interpolation

* Convert caml_format_test to .res

* Convert chn_test to .res

* Convert gpr_3142 test to .res

* Convert  inline_const test to .res

* Convert inline_const_test

* Convert mario_game test to .res

* Convert. sexp test to .res

* artifacts

* ninja: add pervasives for .res(i) files too

* cleanup ninja
  • Loading branch information
cristianoc committed Mar 12, 2023
1 parent 9fb5a89 commit e0c869a
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Showing 63 changed files with 4,059 additions and 4,295 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ subset of the arguments, and return a curried type with the remaining ones https
Also, `(. int) => string => bool` is not equivalen to `(. int, string) => bool` anymore.
These are only breaking changes for unformatted code.
- Exponentiation operator `**` is now right-associative. `2. ** 3. ** 2.` now compile to `Math.pow(2, Math.pow(3, 2))` and not anymore `Math.pow(Math.pow(2, 3), 2)`. Parentheses can be used to change precedence.
- Remove unsafe ``` j`$(a)$(b)` ``` interpolation deprecated in compiler version 10
- Remove deprecated module `Printexc`

#### :bug: Bug Fix

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ These are only breaking changes for unformatted code.

- Better error message for extension point
- Improve format check help
- Deprecate unsafe ``` j`$(a)$(b)` ``` interpolation: use string templates ``` `${a}${b}` ``` instead

# 10.1.3

Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/build_tests/super_errors/expected/jinterp.res.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

We've found a bug for you!

1 │
2 │ let a = 11
3 │ let b = j`number $(a)`

The unsafe j`$(a)$(b)` interpolation was removed, use string template `${a}${b}` instead.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/build_tests/super_errors/fixtures/jinterp.res
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

let a = 11
let b = j`number $(a)`
127 changes: 7 additions & 120 deletions jscomp/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,20 +62,6 @@ type cxt = {

type exn += Error of pos * pos * error

let pp_error fmt err =
Format.pp_print_string fmt
match err with
| Invalid_code_point -> "Invalid code point"
| Unterminated_backslash -> "\\ ended unexpectedly"
| Invalid_escape_code c -> "Invalid escape code: " ^ String.make 1 c
| Invalid_hex_escape -> "Invalid \\x escape"
| Invalid_unicode_escape -> "Invalid \\u escape"
| Unterminated_variable -> "$ unterminated"
| Unmatched_paren -> "Unmatched paren"
| Invalid_syntax_of_var s ->
"`" ^ s ^ "' is not a valid syntax of interpolated identifer"

let valid_lead_identifier_char x =
match x with 'a' .. 'z' | '_' -> true | _ -> false

Expand All @@ -97,31 +83,6 @@ let valid_identifier s =
| ' ' | '\n' | '\t' -> true
| _ -> false *)

FIXME: multiple line offset
if there is no line offset. Note {|{j||} border will never trigger a new line
let update_position border ({ lnum; offset; byte_bol } : pos)
(pos : Lexing.position) =
if lnum = 0 then { pos with pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + border + offset }
(* When no newline, the column number is [border + offset] *)
pos with
pos_lnum = pos.pos_lnum + lnum;
pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum + border + byte_bol;
pos_cnum =
pos.pos_cnum + border + byte_bol + offset
(* when newline, the column number is [offset] *);

let update border (start : pos) (finish : pos) (loc : Location.t) : Location.t =
let start_pos = loc.loc_start in
loc with
loc_start = update_position border start start_pos;
loc_end = update_position border finish start_pos;

(** Note [Var] kind can not be mpty *)
let empty_segment { content } = Ext_string.is_empty content
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,21 +269,6 @@ let transform_test s =
check_and_transform 0 s 0 cxt;
List.rev cxt.segments

(** TODO: test empty var $() $ failure,
Allow identifers x.A.y *)

open Ast_helper

(** Longident.parse "Pervasives.^" *)
let concat_ident : Longident.t = Ldot (Lident "Pervasives", "^")
(* FIXME: remove deps on `Pervasives` *)

(* JS string concatMany *)
(* Ldot (Ldot (Lident "Js", "String2"), "concat") *)

(* Longident.parse "Js.String.make" *)
let to_string_ident : Longident.t = Ldot (Ldot (Lident "Js", "String2"), "make")

module Delim = struct
let parse_processed = function
| None -> Some External_arg_spec.DNone
Expand All @@ -332,102 +278,43 @@ module Delim = struct

type interpolation =
| Js (* string interpolation *)
| J (* old unsafe interpolation *)
| Unrecognized (* no interpolation: delimiter not recognized *)
let parse_unprocessed = function
let parse_unprocessed loc = function
| "js" -> Js
| "j" -> J
| "j" ->
Location.raise_errorf ~loc
"The unsafe j`$(a)$(b)` interpolation was removed, use string template `${a}${b}` instead."
| _ -> Unrecognized

let escaped_j_delimiter = "*j" (* not user level syntax allowed *)
let unescaped_j_delimiter = "j"
let unescaped_js_delimiter = "js"
let escaped = Some escaped_j_delimiter

let border = String.length "{j|"

let aux loc (segment : segment) ~to_string_ident : Parsetree.expression =
match segment with
| { start; finish; kind; content } -> (
match kind with
| String ->
let loc = update border start finish loc in
Ast_compatible.const_exp_string content ?delimiter:Delim.escaped ~loc
| Var (soffset, foffset) ->
let loc =
loc with
loc_start = update_position (soffset + border) start loc.loc_start;
loc_end = update_position (foffset + border) finish loc.loc_start;
Ast_compatible.apply_simple ~loc
(Exp.ident ~loc { loc; txt = to_string_ident })
[ Exp.ident ~loc { loc; txt = Lident content } ])

let concat_exp a_loc x ~(lhs : Parsetree.expression) : Parsetree.expression =
let loc = Bs_loc.merge a_loc lhs.pexp_loc in
Ast_compatible.apply_simple ~loc
(Exp.ident { txt = concat_ident; loc })
[ lhs; aux loc x ~to_string_ident:(Longident.Lident "__unsafe_cast") ]

(* Invariant: the [lhs] is always of type string *)
let rec handle_segments loc (rev_segments : segment list) =
match rev_segments with
| [] -> Ast_compatible.const_exp_string ~loc "" ?delimiter:Delim.escaped
| [ segment ] -> aux loc segment ~to_string_ident (* string literal *)
| { content = "" } :: rest -> handle_segments loc rest
| a :: rest -> concat_exp loc a ~lhs:(handle_segments loc rest)

let transform_interp loc s =
let s_len = String.length s in
let buf = Buffer.create (s_len * 2) in
let cxt : cxt =
segment_start = { lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0 };
segments = [];
pos_lnum = 0;
byte_bol = 0;
pos_bol = 0;

check_and_transform 0 s 0 cxt;
handle_segments loc cxt.segments
with Error (start, pos, error) ->
Location.raise_errorf ~loc:(update border start pos loc) "%a" pp_error error

let transform_exp (e : Parsetree.expression) s delim : Parsetree.expression =
match Delim.parse_unprocessed delim with
match Delim.parse_unprocessed e.pexp_loc delim with
| Js ->
let js_str = Ast_utf8_string.transform e.pexp_loc s in
e with
pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (js_str, Delim.escaped));
| J -> transform_interp e.pexp_loc s
| Unrecognized -> e

let transform_pat (p : Parsetree.pattern) s delim : Parsetree.pattern =
match Delim.parse_unprocessed delim with
match Delim.parse_unprocessed p.ppat_loc delim with
| Js ->
let js_str = Ast_utf8_string.transform p.ppat_loc s in
p with
ppat_desc = Ppat_constant (Pconst_string (js_str, Delim.escaped));
| J (* No j interpolation on patterns *)
| Unrecognized -> p

let is_unicode_string opt = Ext_string.equal opt Delim.escaped_j_delimiter

let is_unescaped s =
Ext_string.equal s Delim.unescaped_j_delimiter
|| Ext_string.equal s Delim.unescaped_js_delimiter
Ext_string.equal s Delim.unescaped_js_delimiter

let parse_processed_delim = Delim.parse_processed
76 changes: 0 additions & 76 deletions jscomp/ounit_tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,80 +243,4 @@ let suites =
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {j| $( ()) |j}
|exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 1; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 6; byte_bol = 0}, Invalid_syntax_of_var " (")
-> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|$()|}
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error ({lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 3; byte_bol = 0}, Invalid_syntax_of_var "")
-> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|$ ()|}
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 1; byte_bol = 0}, Invalid_syntax_of_var "")
-> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
end ;
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|$()|} with
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 3; byte_bol = 0}, Invalid_syntax_of_var "")
-> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|$(hello world)|} with
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 14; byte_bol = 0}, Invalid_syntax_of_var "hello world")
-> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|$( hi*) |} with
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 7; byte_bol = 0}, Invalid_syntax_of_var " hi*")
OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|xx $|} with
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 3; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 3; byte_bol = 0}, Unterminated_variable)
OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false
end ;
__LOC__ >:: begin fun _ ->
match Ast_utf8_string_interp.transform_test {|$(world |}; with
| exception Ast_utf8_string_interp.Error
({lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0},
{lnum = 0; offset = 9; byte_bol = 0}, Unmatched_paren)
OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ true
| _ -> OUnit.assert_bool __LOC__ false

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