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Tree-to-Tree Transfer Component


English | 中文文档

Online examples: Netlify or Vercel This project is for Ant Design Transfer Tree Shuttle Box component. transfer) component to demonstrate the implementation of the right and left side tree shuttle box component to solve the pain point of the right side only list view. Both left and right sides are tree-structured shuttle boxes, making it easy to select and transfer nodes between the two tree structures, which is especially suitable for scenarios that require interactions in datasets with hierarchical relationships.


  • Dual Tree View: Innovatively, the right side of the shuttle box also adopts a tree structure, making it easy to intuitively manage and transfer nested data.
  • Fully customizable: In addition to the Tree, it is still possible to customize other requirements components.
  • Flexible Configuration: Following the specification type defined by Antd, rich property configuration is provided to easily control component behavior and style.
  • Responsive design: Optimizes the mobile experience and ensures seamless use across devices.

Getting Started


Make sure you have Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your development environment.


  1. Clone the project locally.
git clone
  1. Go to the project directory and install the dependencies.
cd your-project-name
yarn # npm install
  1. Start
yarn start


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