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This is the ResidentialReporter development repository.

Bugs & Discussion

Please research any bugs you find via our Github issue tracker for ResidentialReporter and report them, if they're still unknown.

You can also find us here to ask questions or just chat:

WiP Status

Right now, you should be able to:

  • Install and build frontend including iOS/Android applications
  • Install and configure the backend
  • Log in a user account via frontend

What's upcoming:

  • Retrieval and storage of objects
  • Custom forms and tables for objects
  • Map view of locations


First of all: it's still a classical backend/frontend architecture. Mesh based (scalable) and p2p collaborative infrastructure might follow later, depending on other Isomer framework components' progress in that regard.


This software package is a module for Isomer.

Isomer - along with some base "isomeric" modules - provide basic required functionality like:

  • Object document modelling via json-schemata in MongoDB (Postgres is WiP)
  • Object validation and versioning (Collaborative editing is WiP)
  • Client API handling for classc CRUD via realtime websocket
  • Administrative toolkit
  • Secure user enrollment and notification mechanisms
  • Geography related features
  • Statistics and gamification aspects
  • File handling for attachments
  • Threaded comment system
  • User sessions
  • Simple newsroom functionality
  • (optional) Calendar support


It comes with its own full frontend. Most of Isomer's old frontend technology will be rebuilt with new technology for this package and parts will be reused in the new generalized, next generation Isomer frontend, which we'll hopefully be able to backport, later.

The new frontend uses quite sophisticated technologies, all latest versions (as of January 2021) - earlier ones may work partially:

  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • Cordova (switching to capacitor) for iOS and Android apps
  • Electron for the desktop app
  • Rxjs with ngrx and ngrx-auto-entities
  • Material design
  • Angular JSON schema form
  • Openlayers



The general idea is to:

  • install Isomer first, then
  • install this module, its provisions and finally
  • build the frontend

Starting the Isomer backend should now give you access to the ResidentialReporter components.

These instructions are for Debian but are adaptable to other operating systems. If you're not on Debian, you'll need to get the following dependencies installed somehow else.


Some dependencies - not listed here - will be automatically installed, other minimal requirements should be handled by your operating system's packager of choice.

An asterisk in the following lists means earlier versions might work, too - no guarantees!


  • Python >= 3.6
  • Pip3 >= 20.0*
  • Pymongo for Python3 >= 3.0
  • MongoDB >= 3.2
  • Pillow for Python3 >= 8.0*


Debian Sid has these, but Buster is very probably too old:

  • nodejs >= 12.0 (>= 10.0 might work, too)
  • npm >= 7.1.0

For building the iOS and Android apps, you will need the respective SDKs, Emulators etc.

Setting up with (Debian) Linux

There are detailed instructions for multiple variants of setting up Isomer at the Isomer documentation site, but here's a brief synopsis for immediate development.

OS preparations

Below are instructions to set up apt-based distros.. These may be different for Arch, Gentoo, FreeBSD, etc, so please adapt:

# Development basics
sudo apt install git virtualenv gnupg wget python3 python3-pip

# Isomer specific
sudo apt install python3-pymongo python3-pymongo-ext python3-spur \
    python3-bson pyton3-bson-ext enchant

# Install these only if you're at least on Debian Sid:
sudo apt install nodejs npm

Isomer + ResidentialReporter

Let's download the source code and install it for development:

mkdir residentialreporter

cd residentialreporter
git clone
git clone
git clone

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate

cd isomer
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
python3 develop

cd ../residentialreporter
python3 develop

Setting up an Instance

Test installation and create default instance to work with:

# Set up required paths, isomer user account and basic configuration
# (We're omitting the platform steps because we installed them above)
# (Add --log-actions or -l to see what will be done)
sudo ../venv/bin/iso system --omit-platform all

# Should greet with the logger listing ResidentialReporter schemata and others:
iso dev entrypoints --all -f residentialreporter

# Now create an empty more or less unconfigured instance for development
sudo ../venv/bin/iso instance create

# Set the database to a default name, otherwise it is unset
sudo ../venv/bin/iso -e current environment set database default

Create admin user:

iso db user create-admin

To run the development instance:

iso launch --dev


Install and build the frontend:

cd ../residentialreporter-frontend

npm install -g ionic @angular/cli
npm install
ionic serve

See the frontend readme for more details on frontend matters.

API url

The backend api is usually localhost:8055. Both port and host address can be reconfigured either by editing /etc/isomer/instances/default.conf or by supplying --host and --port arguments to the launcher command line:

iso launch --dev -p 8000 -a

The frontend development and production endpoints are configured in the standard angular way, inside the frontend/src/environments/environment.*.ts files.

Development Guidelines

WiP, please stay tuned and watch the issue tracker or the chat (see above) for stuff to do.

In the meantime, you could browse the Isomer Framework Developer guidelines.


A development backend for public testing will be rolled out, soon. The production backend is planned to go live in early 2021.

For the frontend, we're testing Github's new-ish workflow system. A build workflow that generates an Android APK is already in place.

See .github/workflows for more details.




Media Licenses

Most external meda (if not specifically mentioned) is licensed under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 or similar license, which you can find here:


Copyright (C) 2020 ResidentialReporter Community and others.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


The official Residential Reporter documentation







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