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Merge pull request #119 from resource-watch/shutdown-ogr-gfw-pro #648

Merge pull request #119 from resource-watch/shutdown-ogr-gfw-pro

Merge pull request #119 from resource-watch/shutdown-ogr-gfw-pro #648

name: Run tests and apply terraform changes for current branch
#on: [push]
# build:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v1
# - name: Deploy production
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/production'
# env:
# ENV: production
# AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.aws_key_production }}
# AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.aws_secret_production }}
# AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.aws_region_production }}
# CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.cloudflare_api_key }}
# CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.cloudflare_email }}
# TF_VAR_sparkpost_api_key: ${{ secrets.sparkpost_api_key }}
# run: |
# ./scripts/infra plan
# ./scripts/infra apply
# - name: Deploy staging
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/staging'
# env:
# ENV: staging
# AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.aws_key_staging }}
# AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.aws_secret_staging }}
# AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.aws_region_staging }}
# CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.cloudflare_api_key }}
# CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.cloudflare_email }}
# TF_VAR_sparkpost_api_key: ${{ secrets.sparkpost_api_key }}
# run: |
# ./scripts/infra plan
# ./scripts/infra apply
# - name: Deploy dev
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/dev'
# env:
# ENV: dev
# AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.aws_key_dev }}
# AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.aws_secret_dev }}
# AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.aws_region_dev }}
# CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.cloudflare_api_key }}
# CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.cloudflare_email }}
# TF_VAR_sparkpost_api_key: ${{ secrets.sparkpost_api_key }}
# run: |
# ./scripts/infra plan
# ./scripts/infra apply