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Resource Watch site manager microservice for the RW API

Build Status Test Coverage

Content API microservice for Resource Watch website Stores information on dashboards, profiles, etc.

If you are looking for the RW dataset API, you can find it here



Native execution


Dependencies on other Microservices:

Installation process:

Native execution

Copy .env.sample to .env and fill in the necessary values:

  • RAILS_ENV: development|production
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE: rails secret. read more
  • RW_API_URL: URL of the RW API. Usually you want here
  • APIGATEWAY_URL: URL of the RW API gateway. Usually you want here
  • POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR: Network address of your Postgres database server
  • POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT: Network port of your Postgres database server
  • POSTGRES_USER: Username of your Postgres database server
  • POSTGRES_PASS: Password of your Postgres database server
  • POSTGRES_DATABASE: Name of your database
  • GATEWAY_URL: RW API gateway URL (microservice mode only)
  • MICROSERVICE_TOKEN: Microservice auth token (microservice mode only)

Install the ruby dependencies:

bundle install

To start the development application server, run:

bundle exec rails server


TODO: add more detailed docker installation instructions

./ start


RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load
bundle exec rspec spec