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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 8, 2021. It is now read-only.

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243 lines (197 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

243 lines (197 loc) · 12.6 KB


⚠️ Some releases may contain breaking changes. When updating from one version to another, please take the time to read the changelog of the intermediate releases.

v1.4.7 (not released yet)

v1.4.6 - 23/01/2020

  • Fix an issue where VegaChart might crash when changing the theme shortly after initialization

v1.4.5 - 27/08/2019

  • Remove esri-leaflet from the dependencies (but it's still needed)
  • Make the map view only update the title, if editable
  • Fix an issue where the filters could stop working when the datasetId prop is dynamically updated

v1.4.4 - 05/04/2019

  • Rename a CSS class called "row" to avoid collisions with styles from the host app
  • Reduce the paddings around the visualizations
  • Remove the vertical scroll in the panel of the editor
  • Fix a bug where a layer wouldn't be selected by default (when selecting the map visualization)

v1.4.3 - 28/03/2019

  • Fix a bug where the editor may not be able to restore a widget

v1.4.2 - 27/03/2019

  • Swap dependency wri-api-components by vizzuality-components and make vega-lib an external dependency
  • Fix a bug where the widgets without any axis couldn't be restored

v1.4.1 - 05/03/2019

  • Fix an issue where the aggregation wouldn't work properly with the new charts
  • Fix an issue where the user wouldn't be able to change the type of filters
  • Fix an issue where the date filters wouldn't work with "featureservice" datasets
  • Fix an issue where certain non-latin characters wouldn't be displayed correctly

v1.4.0 - 25/02/2019

⚠️ This release and the more recent ones contain a breaking change. Please use the migration tool if you want to update (see README).

  • Prevent the editor from serializing too much information with the filters
  • Add advanced options for the numeric filters
  • Add advanced options for the temporal filters
  • Add advanced options for the textual filters
  • Let the user add titles to the axes of the charts
  • Rename the chart options
  • Add new charts: stacked columns, stacked bars, "grouped" columns, "grouped" bars and multi lines chart
  • Fix a bug where the legend of the pie chart would display wrong colors
  • Let the user change the color of the visual elements (based on the theme)
  • Change the behavior of the theme prop and add new ones: defaultTheme and onChangeTheme (see updated README)
  • Fix minor legend style issues
  • Remove leaflet from the dependencies (but it's still needed)

v1.3.8 - 17/12/2018

  • Fix a bug where the external title and caption would be overriden when the component would fetch the widget

v1.3.7 - 28/08/2018

v1.3.6 - 14/08/2018

  • Fix an issue where the numerical filters wouldn't work with "featureservice" datasets (workaround of an API bug)
  • Fix an issue where the legend of the map wouldn't work

v1.3.5 - 27/07/2018

  • Accept React 15 and 16 as peer dependency

v1.3.4 - 24/07/2018

  • Fix an issue where the .buttons class wouldn't be scoped (now it starts with c-we-)
  • Add the prop allowBoundsCopyPaste to display the bounds of the map (previously, it was always available)
  • Let the user copy and paste the bounds of the map (using the localStorage) if allowBoundsCopyPaste is present
  • Update the dependency wri-api-components to fix an issue that prevented the editor from working with React 16
  • In the README, add the version(s) for which each editor's prop is available

v1.3.3 - 17/07/2018

  • Fix an issue where the legend wouldn't respect the theme colors
  • Fix an issue where VegaChart wouldn't re-render when the theme would be dynamically updated
  • Add a button on the map to let the user see and modify its bounds

v1.3.2 - 26/06/2018

  • Don't filter out the columns of type "long" and "double" (internal types)

v1.3.1 - 21/06/2018

  • When the dataset doesn't have any field, display the error in the console
  • For the bar chart, truncate the labels of the x axis to 12 characters when they are vertical
  • For the bar chart, display the ticks vertically if the widget is small or if there are more than 10 bars
  • Rename the visualization "Bar" by "Bar (vertical)" and add a new "Bar (horizontal)" one
  • Update the URL of the basemaps, labels and boundaries layers
  • Tell the user the values of the filters might take some time to load (message shown after 10s)

v1.3.0 - 01/06/2018

  • Fix a bug where changing the theme wouldn't re-render the visualization
  • Fix a style issue where the content of the map editor wouldn't be centered
  • Allow up to 500 results (the default limit stays at 50)
  • Fix an issue where the limit filter may not be restored correctly
  • Improve the performance by preventing useless re-renders
  • Change how VegaChart chooses the theme: the theme props takes precedence over the widget's embedded theme (i.e. config object, if any), which also takes precedence over the default theme
  • Store the theme of the widget in widgetConfig and restore it in the editor (the theme prop takes precedence over it)

v1.2.2 - 30/05/2018

  • Fix an issue that would prevent the creation of widgets through SaveWidgetModal

v1.2.1 - 21/05/2018

  • Fix a bug preventing the user from creating a layer

v1.2.0 - 18/05/2018

  • Fix a bug where the title and caption wouldn't be set at the mounting of the editor
  • Sync the title of the widget with the name of the selected layer
  • Add the useLayerEditor prop to let the user create a Carto or GEE layer
  • Add the provideLayer prop to get the layer created by the user
  • Change the signature of the saveUserWidget and updateUserWidget functions of WidgetService

v1.1.0 - 23/04/2018

  • Use the wri-api-components's Legend component for the map
  • Display the ticks of the Y axis of the bar, line and scatter charts with the SI unit
  • Add the possibility to contract the left panel (prop contracted)
  • Save and restore the basemap, labels and boundaries layers for the map widgets
  • Change the color of the title and caption to white for the dark and satellite basemaps
  • Fix a bug where the size of the left panel would vary
  • Add a new prop, theme, to customize the visual appearance of the Vega visualizations
  • Remove Leaflet from the peer dependencies (possibility to load it from a CDN)
  • Fix a bug where the aggregation would often not be restored
  • Change the signature of the saveUserWidget and updateUserWidget functions of WidgetService
  • Save and restore the caption from the metadata of the widget instead of the widgetConfig object

v1.0.6 - 10/04/2018

  • Improve the styles of the columns, especially when overflowing
  • Fix an issue where non-existing bounds could be passed to the map
  • Don't limit the number of layers to 10

v1.0.5 - 05/04/2018

  • Fix a bug where the date filter wouldn't work (formatting issue in the query)

v1.0.4 - 05/04/2018

  • Fix bugs where the data URL would be miscomputed when using an aggregation and sorting at the same time
  • Make the sorting descending by default
  • By default, sort the pie and bar charts by the value column (descending)
  • Don't use Jiminy to get chart recommendations anymore
  • Disable the 1d_scatter and 1d_tick charts
  • Rename the "Category", "Value", "Filter" and "Limit" column containers
  • Replace the keyword "widget" by "visualization" across the project
  • Vastly improve the date filter
  • Move and rename the area intersection filter
  • Don't minify the JS bundle in develoment mode
  • Fix a bug where the tooltip of the filters could disappear right after opening
  • Fix an issue where the area intersection filter wouldn't work

v1.0.3 - 28/03/2018

  • Disable zoom on scroll by default
  • Category and value labels rename
  • Show alias tooltip immediately on hover
  • “Visualization type” dropdown changed to radio buttons/facets
  • Change default limit to 50
  • Prevent the bars from overlapping when they have same x values

v1.0.2 - 06/03/2018

  • Remove the timeline from the legend (map only)

v1.0.1 - 27/01/2018

  • Fix a bug where the date filters wouldn't work
  • Fix an issue where the UserService would send a wrong "Authorization" header

v1.0.0 - 21/02/2018

  • Migrate from Vega 2 to Vega 3 (not backward compatible)
  • Increase the timeout for the data fetching to 30s (due to Carto's latency in some cases)
  • Prevent the title and caption from overlapping the legend, if any
  • Fix a bug where the user's last interaction wouldn't be necessarily the one reflected by the visualization
  • Fix a bug where the height of the chart would grow in the editor after a resize

v0.1.3 - 12/02/2018

*⚠️ This release and the more recent ones contain a breaking change. Please use the migration tool if you want to update (see README).

  • Remove unused CSS rules that would interfere with the styles of RW or Prep
  • Auto-pan to the bounding box of a layer, if provided
  • Save and restore the bounding box of the widgets
  • Support for WMS datasets

v0.1.2 - 31/01/2018

  • Fix a bug where the save button would appear with the table visualization and throw a controlled error when the user tries to get its config
  • Remove React warning in the tooltip
  • Fix a bug that would prevent the tooltip and the legend from displaying dates
  • Remove the code that forced the tooltip to show the column "x" (only for the tooltips opened based on the horizontal position of the cursor)
  • Fix a bug that would prevent VegaChart from re-rendering when the data's changed
  • Fix a bug that would force the user to add an optional prop to VegaChart

v0.1.1 - 26/01/2018

  • Improve the resilience of the tooltip of the Vega charts and allow more than two values to be displayed at once
  • Show 'save' not 'update' when viewing default widgets in explore
  • Autoselect the default layer, if present, in the MapEditor component
  • Let the title of the widget being controlled from the outside
  • Fix a bug where the locale attribute of the config wouldn't default to "en"
  • Fix a bug where the columns wouldn't get their alias and description
  • Autoselect the first available chart type when the visualization is "Chart"
  • Add a caption to the editor, controllable from the outside and linked to the titleMode prop
  • By default, let the chart's legend opened (if any)

v0.1.0 - 12/01/2018

  • Fix a bug that prevented map widgets from being restored
  • Add the missing Leaflet stylesheet to the testing file
  • Add a watch mode for the JS files
  • Remove external CSS for rc-slider
  • Scope all of the CSS classes of the components (now they start with c-we- instead of just c-)

v0.0.9 - 12/01/2018

  • Add the missing type to some buttons
  • Add rc-slider/assets/index.css as required dependency

v0.0.8 - 15/12/2017

  • Fix an issue that would prevent the update of the config
  • Remove the widgetConfig prop of SaveWidgetModal and replace it by getWidgetConfig
  • Fix the endpoint used in removeUserWidget from the WidgetService
  • Fix issues with the auth token in WidgetService
  • Build the library with Rollup and make it SSR-ready
  • Add a new attribute assetsPath to the configuration (mandatory)
  • Scope the actions to avoid conflicts

v0.0.7 - 08/12/2017

  • Remove the widgetEditorExplore reducer and actions
  • Reduce the size of the library by 1% (-9kB) minified

v0.0.6 - 07/12/2017

  • Add the embedButtonMode prop for the WidgetEditor component
  • Add the onEmbed prop for the WidgetEditor component
  • Possibility to use EmbedTableModal as an external component
  • Fix a bug where the area intersection filter would display "Waiting for actions"
  • Remove the need for babel-polyfill
  • Reduce the size of the library by 53% (-997kB) minified

v0.0.5 - 04/12/2017

  • Add missing params to the queries (application and env)

v0.0.4 - 04/12/2017

  • Added an option to set the default state of the map

v0.0.3 - 04/12/2017

  • External images use absolute URLs and documentation about how to configure webpack to load them
  • Fixed bug that prevented layers from other apps than RW to be displayed
  • Made the userEmail property optional in the configuration
  • Scope the styles of the modal
  • Fixed bug that would prevent the editor from correctly restoring some widgets

v0.0.2 - 30/11/2017

  • Use react 15.x instead of react 16

v0.0.1 - 29/11/2017

Initial version of the library