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Individualized Lung Function Predictor is a clinical tool that provides patient-specific projections of lung function for individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).


Individualized Lung Function Predictor is available online.


For research behind this app, please refer to this page.

Media Coverage

Global News: COPD online assessment tool to improve treatment options for patients


Individualized FEV1 predictor is created by Zafar Zafari, Ainsleigh Hill, Jane Krot, and Amin Adibi, of the RESP group at the University of British Columbia.

Please cite this paper when using the results of this web application:

Zafari Z, Sin DD, Postma DS, Löfdahl CG, Vonk J, Bryan S, Lam S, Tammemagi CM, Khakban R, Man SP, Tashkin D, Wise RA, Connnett JE, McManus B, Ng R, Hollander Z, Sadatsafavi M. Individualized prediction of lung-function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016 Oct 4;188(14):1004-11.

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