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Topic/indylambda emit indy #10

merged 7 commits into from Jul 15, 2015

Topic/indylambda emit indy #10

merged 7 commits into from Jul 15, 2015


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  • Adjust LambdaLift to harmonize our parameter order with the expectations of LambdaMetafactory
  • Detect whether a function is specialized or not
  • Mark indylamba capable lambdas with metadata needed by backend. Decide on tree shape between Delambdafy and GenBCode (either an anonymous ClassDef.
  • ...

@retronym retronym force-pushed the topic/indylambda-emit-indy branch 8 times, most recently from 35bf85a to 8a4ddb9 Compare April 17, 2015 06:16
Make lambda body public rather than using static accessor
@retronym retronym force-pushed the topic/indylambda-emit-indy branch 2 times, most recently from 762c910 to f743df4 Compare April 21, 2015 06:31
Suitable lambdas are identified in Delambdafy and marked with
 such with a tree annotation that includes the
data needed by the backend to emit an invokedynamic instruction.

GenBCode to rewrite instantiation of such anonymous
function classes with an invokedynamic instruction. At this
stage, I don't plan to merge the support for this into GenASM.

Between these points, the lambda capture is represented as an
application of a dummy factory symbol:

<dummy>(captures...) : FunctionN


% wget
% qscala -classpath scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.3.0.jar -Ydelambdafy:method -target:jvm-1.8 -Ybackend:GenBCode
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.6-20150309-144147-c91c978c81 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_25).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> (() => "").getClass
res0: Class[_ <: () => String] = class $$Lambda$1/871790326

I have also corrected an error in a previous commit. The newly added
symbol test, `isDelambdafyTarget`, needs to check for the `ARTIFACT`
flag, as that is what is added to the method by `Uncurry`.
When the ant build is run with `-Dscala-java8-compat.package`,
the contents of `org.scala-lang.modules:scala-java8-compat` are
spliced into `scala-library.jar`. This is handy to facilitate
downstream testing of indy lambdas, we can just use the the compiler
options `-target 1.8 -Ydelambdafy:method -Xexperimental` without
needed to add `scala-java8-compat.jar` to the compile and runtime
classpaths. (Classpath augmentation doesn't appear to be straight
forward in partest or in the community build.)
scala> (x: Int) => {??? : Int}
res2: Int => Int = $$Lambda$1371/1961176822@6ed3ccb2

scala> res2(42)
scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing
  at scala.Predef$.$qmark$qmark$qmark(Predef.scala:225)
  at .$anonfun$1(<console>:8)
  at $$Lambda$1371/1961176822.apply$mcII$sp(Unknown Source)
  ... 33 elided

scala> (x: Int, y: Long) => {??? : Int}
res4: (Int, Long) => Int = $$Lambda$1382/1796047085@6f8e8894

scala> res4(0, 0L)
scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing
  at scala.Predef$.$qmark$qmark$qmark(Predef.scala:225)
  at .$anonfun$1(<console>:8)
  at $$Lambda$1382/1796047085.apply$mcIIJ$sp(Unknown Source)
  ... 33 elided
@retronym retronym merged commit 3bf208f into 2.11.x Jul 15, 2015
retronym added a commit that referenced this pull request Mar 30, 2016
Rather than in implementation of the abstract method in the
expanded anonymous class.

This leads to more more efficient use of the constant pool,
code shapes more amenable to SAM inlining, and is compatible
with the old behaviour of `-Xexperimental` in Scala 2.11,
which ScalaJS now relies upon.

Manual test:

scala> :paste -raw
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

package p1; trait T { val x = 0; def apply(): Any }; class DelambdafyInline { def t: T = (() => "") }

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

scala> :javap -c p1.DelambdafyInline
Compiled from "<pastie>"
public class p1.DelambdafyInline {
  public p1.T t();
       0: new           #10                 // class p1/DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1
       3: dup
       4: aload_0
       5: invokespecial #16                 // Method p1/DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1."<init>":(Lp1/DelambdafyInline;)V
       8: areturn

  public final java.lang.Object p1$DelambdafyInline$$$anonfun$1();
       0: ldc           #22                 // String
       2: areturn

  public p1.DelambdafyInline();
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #25                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: return

scala> :javap -c p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1
Compiled from "<pastie>"
public final class p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1 implements p1.T,scala.Serializable {
  public static final long serialVersionUID;

  public int x();
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #25                 // Field x:I
       4: ireturn

  public void p1$T$_setter_$x_$eq(int);
       0: aload_0
       1: iload_1
       2: putfield      #25                 // Field x:I
       5: return

  public final java.lang.Object apply();
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #34                 // Field $outer:Lp1/DelambdafyInline;
       4: invokevirtual #37                 // Method p1/DelambdafyInline.p1$DelambdafyInline$$$anonfun$1:()Ljava/lang/Object;
       7: areturn

  public p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1(p1.DelambdafyInline);
       0: aload_1
       1: ifnonnull     6
       4: aconst_null
       5: athrow
       6: aload_0
       7: aload_1
       8: putfield      #34                 // Field $outer:Lp1/DelambdafyInline;
      11: aload_0
      12: invokespecial #42                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
      15: aload_0
      16: invokespecial #45                 // Method p1/T.$init$:()V
      19: return

scala> :quit
retronym added a commit that referenced this pull request Mar 30, 2016
Rather than in implementation of the abstract method in the
expanded anonymous class.

This leads to more more efficient use of the constant pool,
code shapes more amenable to SAM inlining, and is compatible
with the old behaviour of `-Xexperimental` in Scala 2.11,
which ScalaJS now relies upon.

Manual test:

scala> :paste -raw
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

package p1; trait T { val x = 0; def apply(): Any }; class DelambdafyInline { def t: T = (() => "") }

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

scala> :javap -c p1.DelambdafyInline
Compiled from "<pastie>"
public class p1.DelambdafyInline {
  public p1.T t();
       0: new           #10                 // class p1/DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1
       3: dup
       4: aload_0
       5: invokespecial #16                 // Method p1/DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1."<init>":(Lp1/DelambdafyInline;)V
       8: areturn

  public final java.lang.Object p1$DelambdafyInline$$$anonfun$1();
       0: ldc           #22                 // String
       2: areturn

  public p1.DelambdafyInline();
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #25                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: return

scala> :javap -c p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1
Compiled from "<pastie>"
public final class p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1 implements p1.T,scala.Serializable {
  public static final long serialVersionUID;

  public int x();
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #25                 // Field x:I
       4: ireturn

  public void p1$T$_setter_$x_$eq(int);
       0: aload_0
       1: iload_1
       2: putfield      #25                 // Field x:I
       5: return

  public final java.lang.Object apply();
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #34                 // Field $outer:Lp1/DelambdafyInline;
       4: invokevirtual #37                 // Method p1/DelambdafyInline.p1$DelambdafyInline$$$anonfun$1:()Ljava/lang/Object;
       7: areturn

  public p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1(p1.DelambdafyInline);
       0: aload_1
       1: ifnonnull     6
       4: aconst_null
       5: athrow
       6: aload_0
       7: aload_1
       8: putfield      #34                 // Field $outer:Lp1/DelambdafyInline;
      11: aload_0
      12: invokespecial #42                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
      15: aload_0
      16: invokespecial #45                 // Method p1/T.$init$:()V
      19: return

scala> :quit
retronym added a commit that referenced this pull request Apr 14, 2016
Rather than in implementation of the abstract method in the
expanded anonymous class.

This leads to more more efficient use of the constant pool,
code shapes more amenable to SAM inlining, and is compatible
with the old behaviour of `-Xexperimental` in Scala 2.11,
which ScalaJS now relies upon.

Manual test:

scala> :paste -raw
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

package p1; trait T { val x = 0; def apply(): Any }; class DelambdafyInline { def t: T = (() => "") }

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

scala> :javap -c p1.DelambdafyInline
Compiled from "<pastie>"
public class p1.DelambdafyInline {
  public p1.T t();
       0: new           #10                 // class p1/DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1
       3: dup
       4: aload_0
       5: invokespecial #16                 // Method p1/DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1."<init>":(Lp1/DelambdafyInline;)V
       8: areturn

  public final java.lang.Object p1$DelambdafyInline$$$anonfun$1();
       0: ldc           #22                 // String
       2: areturn

  public p1.DelambdafyInline();
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #25                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: return

scala> :javap -c p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1
Compiled from "<pastie>"
public final class p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1 implements p1.T,scala.Serializable {
  public static final long serialVersionUID;

  public int x();
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #25                 // Field x:I
       4: ireturn

  public void p1$T$_setter_$x_$eq(int);
       0: aload_0
       1: iload_1
       2: putfield      #25                 // Field x:I
       5: return

  public final java.lang.Object apply();
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #34                 // Field $outer:Lp1/DelambdafyInline;
       4: invokevirtual #37                 // Method p1/DelambdafyInline.p1$DelambdafyInline$$$anonfun$1:()Ljava/lang/Object;
       7: areturn

  public p1.DelambdafyInline$$anonfun$t$1(p1.DelambdafyInline);
       0: aload_1
       1: ifnonnull     6
       4: aconst_null
       5: athrow
       6: aload_0
       7: aload_1
       8: putfield      #34                 // Field $outer:Lp1/DelambdafyInline;
      11: aload_0
      12: invokespecial #42                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
      15: aload_0
      16: invokespecial #45                 // Method p1/T.$init$:()V
      19: return

scala> :quit

Adriaan is to `git blame` for `reflection-mem-typecheck.scala`.
retronym pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Mar 27, 2018
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