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CPC CPLINK v0.2 Construction

revaldinho edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 1 revision

This pages describes construction of the prototype only very briefly, since this card is now superseded by the v1.0 release version.

Operation of the v0.2 and v1.0 cards is identical from a software point of view and component costs are very similar. However, the XC9536-PC44 CPLD is now hard to find and becoming more expensive, so this version of the card is not recommended for new builds.

Circuit Board Component Placement

A component placement diagram for the board is shown below.

Placement Image

Sockets are recommended for all ICs.

Take care to orient all ICs and sockets exactly as shown in the layout above.

WARNING - do NOT fit a link on J2 if providing external power to the co-processor.

Parts List

Part ID Component Comment
CONN1 50W Right Angled Box Plug Connector to Amstrad expansion boards
CONN2 40W Pin or Box socket Can be fitted to front or back of board depending on slave processor - see below
JTAG 2x5 Pin Header Xilinx programming header
UART 1x3 Pin Header Optional serial debugger connection
J1 1x3 Pin Header Link for VDDIO voltage
J2 1x2 Pin Header Link to provide power to coprocessor socket
CPLD Xilinx XC9536-PC44 OR Xilinx XC9572-PC44 Xilinx CPLD, NOT -XL type
FIFO0_0 74HCT40105 16x4bit FIFO, CPC -> Copro
FIFO0_1 74HCT40105 16x4bit FIFO, CPC -> Copro
FIFO1_0 74HCT40105 16x4bit FIFO, Copro -> CPC
FIFO1_1 74HCT40105 16x4bit FIFO, Copro -> CPC
LS_0 74LVC245 8 bit level shifting transceiver
LS_0 74LVC245 8 bit level shifting transceiver
CAP100N_* 100nF Cap Ceramic disc decoupling caps
CAP22UF_* 22uF Cap Electrolytic capacitors

Coprocessor Connector

The 40W connector pin assignments are shown in the table below.

Placement Image

Only the left most 26 pins are used in the co-processor connector to make it plug compatible with older RaspberryPis. Mounting hols are provided for securing a RaspberryPi zero directly on the back of the board (in which case CONN2 should be mounted on the back and either a box socket or pin header chose to mate with the Zero). All other RaspberryPis can be directly plugged into the connector too, although for the larger ones it may be more convenient to use a ribbon cable depending on which of the Pi's other interfaces need to be used.


Board Front Image Board Rear Image Board in EXP4 Image