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# [2.170.0]( (2023-04-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **enable-android-debugging:** don't include by default ([b2856f7](
* **twitch/block-embedded-ads:** correct spelling mistake ([#1962]( ([6138c2a](
* **youtube/hide-video-action-buttons:** fix hide action buttons not working for some users ([#1959]( ([3ab5842](
* **youtube/sponsorblock:** correct spelling mistake ([#1941]( ([d9d0fe7](
* **youtube/sponsorblock:** use lowercase letters for URL string ([#1942]( ([b58842a](
* **youtube/tablet-mini-player:** throw if fingerprint fails to resolve ([642eef3](

### Features

* **youtube/wide-searchbar:** rename patch ([bb5885e](
* **youtube:** bump compatibility to `18.15.40` ([ad82fcd](
* **youtube:** constrain patches to `18.15.40` ([c0c10de](
* **youtube:** remove non working patch `hide-my-mix` ([6ae0f0b](
* **youtube:** support version `18.15.40` ([c3614ab](
Assets 2