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Library File beziers.scad

Bezier functions and modules. To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL/constants.scad>
use <BOSL/beziers.scad>

Table of Contents

  1. Terminology

  2. Segment Functions

  3. Path Functions

  4. Path Modules

  5. Patch Functions

  6. Bezier Surface Modules

1. Terminology

Polyline: A series of points joined by straight line segements.

Bezier Curve: A mathematical curve that joins two endpoints, following a curve determined by one or more control points.

Endpoint: A point that is on the end of a bezier segment. This point lies on the bezier curve.

Control Point: A point that influences the shape of the curve that connects two endpoints. This is often NOT on the bezier curve.

Degree: The number of control points, plus one endpoint, needed to specify a bezier segment. Most beziers are cubic (degree 3).

Bezier Segment: A list consisting of an endpoint, one or more control points, and a final endpoint. The number of control points is one less than the degree of the bezier. A cubic (degree 3) bezier segment looks something like: [endpt1, cp1, cp2, endpt2]

Bezier Path: A list of bezier segments flattened out into a list of points, where each segment shares the endpoint of the previous segment as a start point. A cubic Bezier Path looks something like: [endpt1, cp1, cp2, endpt2, cp3, cp4, endpt3] NOTE: A bezier path is NOT a polyline. It is only the points and controls used to define the curve.

Bezier Patch: A surface defining grid of (N+1) by (N+1) bezier points. If a Bezier Segment defines a curved line, a Bezier Patch defines a curved surface.

Bezier Surface: A surface defined by a list of one or more bezier patches.

Spline Steps: The number of straight-line segments to split a bezier segment into, to approximate the bezier curve. The more spline steps, the closer the approximation will be to the curve, but the slower it will be to generate. Usually defaults to 16.

2. Segment Functions



  • bez_point(curve, u)

Description: Formula to calculate points on a bezier curve. The degree of the curve, N, is one less than the number of points in curve.

Argument What it does
curve The list of endpoints and control points for this bezier segment.
u The proportion of the way along the curve to find the point of. 0<=u<=1

Example 1: Quadratic (Degree 2) Bezier.

bez = [[0,0], [30,30], [80,0]];
trace_bezier(bez, N=len(bez)-1);
translate(bez_point(bez, 0.3)) color("red") sphere(1);

bez_point() Example 1

Example 2: Cubic (Degree 3) Bezier

bez = [[0,0], [5,35], [60,-25], [80,0]];
trace_bezier(bez, N=len(bez)-1);
translate(bez_point(bez, 0.4)) color("red") sphere(1);

bez_point() Example 2

Example 3: Degree 4 Bezier.

bez = [[0,0], [5,15], [40,20], [60,-15], [80,0]];
trace_bezier(bez, N=len(bez)-1);
translate(bez_point(bez, 0.8)) color("red") sphere(1);

bez_point() Example 3



  • bezier_segment_closest_point(bezier,pt)

Description: Finds the closest part of the given bezier segment to point pt. The degree of the curve, N, is one less than the number of points in curve. Returns u for the shortest position on the bezier segment to the given point pt.

Argument What it does
curve The list of endpoints and control points for this bezier segment.
pt The point to find the closest curve point to.
max_err The maximum allowed error when approximating the closest approach.


pt = [40,15];
bez = [[0,0], [20,40], [60,-25], [80,0]];
u = bezier_segment_closest_point(bez, pt);
trace_bezier(bez, N=len(bez)-1);
color("red") translate(pt) sphere(r=1);
color("blue") translate(bez_point(bez,u)) sphere(r=1);

bezier_segment_closest_point() Example



  • bezier_segment_length(curve, [start_u], [end_u], [max_deflect]);

Description: Approximates the length of the bezier segment between start_u and end_u.

Argument What it does
curve The list of endpoints and control points for this bezier segment.
start_u The proportion of the way along the curve to start measuring from. Between 0 and 1.
end_u The proportion of the way along the curve to end measuring at. Between 0 and 1. Greater than start_u.
max_deflect The largest amount of deflection from the true curve to allow for approximation.


bez = [[0,0], [5,35], [60,-25], [80,0]];



  • fillet3pts(p0, p1, p2, r);

Description: Takes three points, defining two line segments, and works out the cubic (degree 3) bezier segment (and surrounding control points) needed to approximate a rounding of the corner with radius r. If there isn't room for a radius r rounding, uses the largest radius that will fit. Returns [cp1, endpt1, cp2, cp3, endpt2, cp4]

Argument What it does
p0 The starting point.
p1 The middle point.
p2 The ending point.
r The radius of the fillet/rounding.
maxerr Max amount bezier curve should diverge from actual radius curve. Default: 0.1


p0 = [40, 0];
p1 = [0, 0];
p2 = [30, 30];
trace_polyline([p0,p1,p2], showpts=true, size=0.5, color="green");
fbez = fillet3pts(p0,p1,p2, 10);
trace_bezier(slice(fbez, 1, -2), size=1);

fillet3pts() Example

3. Path Functions



  • bezier_path_point(path, seg, u, [N])

Description: Returns the coordinates of bezier path segment seg at position u.

Argument What it does
path A bezier path to approximate.
seg Segment number along the path. Each segment is N points long.
u The proportion of the way along the segment to find the point of. 0<=u<=1
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3



  • bezier_path_closest_point(bezier,pt)

Description: Finds the closest part of the given bezier path to point pt. Returns [segnum, u] for the closest position on the bezier path to the given point pt.

Argument What it does
path A bezier path to approximate.
pt The point to find the closest curve point to.
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3
max_err The maximum allowed error when approximating the closest approach.


pt = [100,0];
bez = [[0,0], [20,40], [60,-25], [80,0], [100,25], [140,25], [160,0]];
pos = bezier_path_closest_point(bez, pt);
xy = bezier_path_point(bez,pos[0],pos[1]);
trace_bezier(bez, N=3);
color("red") translate(pt) sphere(r=1);
color("blue") translate(xy) sphere(r=1);

bezier_path_closest_point() Example



  • bezier_path_length(path, [N], [max_deflect]);

Description: Approximates the length of the bezier path.

Argument What it does
path A bezier path to approximate.
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3
max_deflect The largest amount of deflection from the true curve to allow for approximation.



  • bezier_polyline(bezier, [splinesteps], [N])

Description: Takes a bezier path and converts it into a polyline.

Argument What it does
bezier A bezier path to approximate.
splinesteps Number of straight lines to split each bezier segment into. default=16
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3


bez = [
    [0,0], [-5,30],
    [20,60], [50,50], [110,30],
    [60,25], [70,0], [80,-25],
    [80,-50], [50,-50]
trace_polyline(bez, size=1, N=3, showpts=true);
trace_polyline(bezier_polyline(bez, N=3), size=3);

bezier_polyline() Example



  • fillet_path(pts, fillet, [maxerr]);

Description: Takes a 3D polyline path and fillets the corners, returning a 3d cubic (degree 3) bezier path.

Argument What it does
pts 3D Polyline path to fillet.
fillet The radius to fillet/round the polyline corners by.
maxerr Max amount bezier curve should diverge from actual radius curve. Default: 0.1


pline = [[40,0], [0,0], [35,35], [0,70], [-10,60], [-5,55], [0,60]];
bez = fillet_path(pline, 10);
trace_polyline(pline, showpts=true, size=0.5, color="green");
trace_bezier(bez, size=1);

fillet_path() Example



  • bezier_close_to_axis(bezier, [N], [axis]);

Description: Takes a 2D bezier path and closes it to the specified axis.

Argument What it does
bezier The 2D bezier path to close to the axis.
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3
axis The axis to close to, "X", or "Y". Default: "X"

Example 1:

bez = [[50,30], [40,10], [10,50], [0,30], [-10, 10], [-30,10], [-50,20]];
closed = bezier_close_to_axis(bez);
trace_bezier(closed, size=1);

bezier_close_to_axis() Example 1

Example 2:

bez = [[30,50], [10,40], [50,10], [30,0], [10, -10], [10,-30], [20,-50]];
closed = bezier_close_to_axis(bez, axis="Y");
trace_bezier(closed, size=1);

bezier_close_to_axis() Example 2



  • bezier_offset(inset, bezier, [N], [axis]);

Description: Takes a 2D bezier path and closes it with a matching reversed path that is closer to the given axis by distance inset.

Argument What it does
inset Amount to lower second path by.
bezier The 2D bezier path.
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3
axis The axis to offset towards, "X", or "Y". Default: "X"

Example 1:

bez = [[50,30], [40,10], [10,50], [0,30], [-10, 10], [-30,10], [-50,20]];
closed = bezier_offset(5, bez);
trace_bezier(closed, size=1);

bezier_offset() Example 1

Example 2:

bez = [[30,50], [10,40], [50,10], [30,0], [10, -10], [10,-30], [20,-50]];
closed = bezier_offset(5, bez, axis="Y");
trace_bezier(closed, size=1);

bezier_offset() Example 2

4. Path Modules



  • bezier_polygon(bezier, [splinesteps], [N]) {

Description: Takes a closed 2D bezier path, and creates a 2D polygon from it.

Argument What it does
bezier The closed bezier path to make into a polygon.
splinesteps Number of straight lines to split each bezier segment into. default=16
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3


bez = [
    [0,0], [-5,30],
    [20,60], [50,50], [110,30],
    [60,25], [70,0], [80,-25],
    [80,-50], [50,-50], [30,-50],
    [5,-30], [0,0]
trace_bezier(bez, N=3, size=3);
linear_extrude(height=0.1) bezier_polygon(bez, N=3);

bezier_polygon() Example



  • linear_extrude_bezier(bezier, height, [splinesteps], [N], [center], [convexity], [twist], [slices], [scale], [orient], [align]);

Description: Takes a closed 2D bezier path, centered on the XY plane, and extrudes it linearly upwards, forming a solid.

Argument What it does
bezier Array of 2D points of a bezier path, to be extruded.
splinesteps Number of steps to divide each bezier segment into. default=16
N The degree of the bezier curves. Cubic beziers have N=3. Default: 3
convexity max number of walls a line could pass through, for preview. default=10
twist Angle in degrees to twist over the length of extrusion. default=0
scale Relative size of top of extrusion to the bottom. default=1.0
slices Number of vertical slices to use for twisted extrusion. default=20
center If true, the extruded solid is centered vertically at z=0.
orient Orientation of the extrusion. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the extrusion. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ALIGN_POS.


bez = [
    [-10,   0],  [-15,  -5],
    [ -5, -10],  [  0, -10],  [ 5, -10],
    [ 10,  -5],  [ 15,   0],  [10,   5],
    [  5,  10],  [  0,  10],  [-5,  10],
    [ 25, -15],  [-10,   0]
linear_extrude_bezier(bez, height=20, splinesteps=32);

linear_extrude_bezier() Example



  • revolve_bezier(bezier, [splinesteps], [N], [convexity], [angle], [orient], [align])

Description: Takes a closed 2D bezier and rotates it around the X axis, forming a solid.

Argument What it does
bezier array of 2D points for the bezier path to rotate.
splinesteps number of segments to divide each bezier segment into. default=16
N number of points in each bezier segment. default=3 (cubic)
convexity max number of walls a line could pass through, for preview. default=10
angle Degrees of sweep to make. Default: 360
orient Orientation of the extrusion. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_X.
align Alignment of the extrusion. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


path = [
  [  0, 10], [ 50,  0], [ 50, 40],
  [ 95, 40], [100, 40], [100, 45],
  [ 95, 45], [ 66, 45], [  0, 20],
  [  0, 12], [  0, 12], [  0, 10],
  [  0, 10]
revolve_bezier(path, splinesteps=32, $fn=180);

revolve_bezier() Example



  • rotate_extrude_bezier(bezier, splinesteps=16, N=3, convexity=10, angle=360)

Description: Takes a closed 2D bezier and rotates it around the Z axis, forming a solid. Behaves like rotate_extrude(), except for beziers instead of shapes.

Argument What it does
bezier array of 2D points for the bezier path to rotate.
splinesteps number of segments to divide each bezier segment into. default=16
N number of points in each bezier segment. default=3 (cubic)
convexity max number of walls a line could pass through, for preview. default=10
angle Degrees of sweep to make. Default: 360
orient Orientation of the extrusion. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the extrusion. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


path = [
  [  0, 10], [ 50,  0], [ 50, 40],
  [ 95, 40], [100, 40], [100, 45],
  [ 95, 45], [ 66, 45], [  0, 20],
  [  0, 12], [  0, 12], [  0, 10],
  [  0, 10]
rotate_extrude_bezier(path, splinesteps=32, $fn=180);

rotate_extrude_bezier() Example



  • revolve_bezier_solid_to_axis(bezier, [splinesteps], [N], [convexity], [angle], [orient], [align]);

Description: Takes a 2D bezier and rotates it around the X axis, forming a solid.

Argument What it does
bezier array of points for the bezier path to rotate.
splinesteps number of segments to divide each bezier segment into. default=16
N number of points in each bezier segment. default=3 (cubic)
convexity max number of walls a line could pass through, for preview. default=10
angle Degrees of sweep to make. Default: 360
orient Orientation of the extrusion. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_X.
align Alignment of the extrusion. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


path = [ [0, 10], [33, 10], [66, 40], [100, 40] ];
revolve_bezier_solid_to_axis(path, splinesteps=32, $fn=72);

revolve_bezier_solid_to_axis() Example



  • revolve_bezier_offset_shell(bezier, offset, [splinesteps], [N], [convexity], [angle], [orient], [align]);

Description: Takes a 2D bezier and rotates it around the X axis, into a hollow shell.

Argument What it does
bezier array of points for the bezier path to rotate.
offset the thickness of the created shell.
splinesteps number of segments to divide each bezier segment into. default=16
N number of points in each bezier segment. default=3 (cubic)
convexity max number of walls a line could pass through, for preview. default=10
angle degrees of sweep to make. Default: 360
orient Orientation of the extrusion. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_X.
align Alignment of the extrusion. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


path = [ [0, 10], [33, 10], [66, 40], [100, 40] ];
revolve_bezier_offset_shell(path, offset=1, splinesteps=32, $fn=72);

revolve_bezier_offset_shell() Example



  • extrude_2d_shapes_along_bezier(bezier, [splinesteps], [N], [convexity], [clipsize]) ...

Description: Extrudes 2D children along a bezier path.

Argument What it does
bezier array of points for the bezier path to extrude along.
splinesteps number of segments to divide each bezier segment into. default=16


path = [ [0, 0, 0], [33, 33, 33], [66, -33, -33], [100, 0, 0] ];
extrude_2d_shapes_along_bezier(path) difference(){
    fwd(10/2) circle(r=8);

extrude_2d_shapes_along_bezier() Example



  • extrude_bezier_along_bezier(bezier, path, [pathsteps], [bezsteps], [bezN], [pathN]);

Description: Takes a closed 2D bezier path, centered on the XY plane, and extrudes it perpendicularly along a 3D bezier path, forming a solid.

Argument What it does
bezier Array of 2D points of a bezier path, to be extruded.
path Array of 3D points of a bezier path, to extrude along.
pathsteps number of steps to divide each path segment into.
bezsteps number of steps to divide each bezier segment into.
bezN number of points in each extruded bezier segment. default=3 (cubic)
pathN number of points in each path bezier segment. default=3 (cubic)


bez = [
    [-10,   0],  [-15,  -5],
    [ -5, -10],  [  0, -10],  [ 5, -10],
    [ 10,  -5],  [ 15,   0],  [10,   5],
    [  5,  10],  [  0,  10],  [-5,  10],
    [ 25, -15],  [-10,   0]
path = [ [0, 0, 0], [33, 33, 33], [90, 33, -33], [100, 0, 0] ];
extrude_bezier_along_bezier(bez, path, pathsteps=32, bezsteps=16);

extrude_bezier_along_bezier() Example


Description: Renders 2D or 3D bezier paths and their associated control points. Useful for debugging bezier paths.

Argument What it does
bez the array of points in the bezier.
N Mark the first and every Nth vertex after in a different color and shape.
size diameter of the lines drawn.


bez = [
    [-10,   0],  [-15,  -5],
    [ -5, -10],  [  0, -10],  [ 5, -10],
    [ 14,  -5],  [ 15,   0],  [16,   5],
    [  5,  10],  [  0,  10]
trace_bezier(bez, N=3, size=0.5);

trace_bezier() Example

5. Patch Functions



  • bezier_patch_point(patch, u, v)

Description: Given a square 2-dimensional array of (N+1) by (N+1) points size, that represents a Bezier Patch of degree N, returns a point on that surface, at positions u, and v. A cubic bezier patch will be 4x4 points in size. If given a non-square array, each direction will have its own degree.

Argument What it does
patch The 2D array of endpoints and control points for this bezier patch.
u The proportion of the way along the first dimension of the patch to find the point of. 0<=u<=1
v The proportion of the way along the second dimension of the patch to find the point of. 0<=v<=1


patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]]
trace_bezier_patches(patches=[patch], size=1, showcps=true);
pt = bezier_patch_point(patch, 0.6, 0.75);
translate(pt) color("magenta") sphere(d=3, $fn=12);

bezier_patch_point() Example



  • bezier_triangle_point(tri, u, v)

Description: Given a triangular 2-dimensional array of N+1 by (for the first row) N+1 points, that represents a Bezier triangular patch of degree N, returns a point on that surface, at positions u, and v. A cubic bezier triangular patch will have a list of 4 points in the first row, 3 in the second, 2 in the third, and 1 in the last row.

Argument What it does
tri Triangular bezier patch to get point on.
u The proportion of the way along the first dimension of the triangular patch to find the point of. 0<=u<=1
v The proportion of the way along the second dimension of the triangular patch to find the point of. 0<=v<=(1-u)


tri = [
    [[-50,-33,0], [-25,16,40], [20,66,20]],
    [[0,-33,30], [25,16,30]],
trace_bezier_patches(tris=[tri], size=1, showcps=true);
pt = bezier_triangle_point(tri, 0.5, 0.2);
translate(pt) color("magenta") sphere(d=3, $fn=12);

bezier_triangle_point() Example



  • bezier_patch(patch, [splinesteps], [vertices], [faces]);

Description: Calculate vertices and faces for forming a partial polyhedron from the given bezier rectangular patch. Returns a list containing two elements. The first is the list of unique vertices. The second is the list of faces, where each face is a list of indices into the list of vertices. You can chain calls to this, to add more vertices and faces for multiple bezier patches, to stitch them together into a complete polyhedron.

Argument What it does
patch The rectangular array of endpoints and control points for this bezier patch.
splinesteps Number of steps to divide each bezier segment into. Default: 16
vertices Vertex list to add new points to. Default: []
faces Face list to add new faces to. Default: []


patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50, -20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16, -20], [ 16, 16,  20], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  20], [ 16,-16, -20], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50, -20], [50,-50,  0]]
vnf = bezier_patch(patch, splinesteps=16);
polyhedron(points=vnf[0], faces=vnf[1]);

bezier_patch() Example



  • bezier_triangle(tri, [splinesteps], [vertices], [faces]);

Description: Calculate vertices and faces for forming a partial polyhedron from the given bezier triangular patch. Returns a list containing two elements. The first is the list of unique vertices. The second is the list of faces, where each face is a list of indices into the list of vertices. You can chain calls to this, to add more vertices and faces for multiple bezier patches, to stitch them together into a complete polyhedron.

Argument What it does
tri The triangular array of endpoints and control points for this bezier patch.
splinesteps Number of steps to divide each bezier segment into. Default: 16
vertices Vertex list to add new points to. Default: []
faces Face list to add new faces to. Default: []


tri = [
    [[-50,-33,0], [-25,16,50], [0,66,0]],
    [[0,-33,50], [25,16,50]],
vnf = bezier_triangle(tri, splinesteps=16);
polyhedron(points=vnf[0], faces=vnf[1]);

bezier_triangle() Example



  • bezier_patch_flat(size, [N], [orient], [trans]);

Description: Returns a flat rectangular bezier patch of degree N, centered on the XY plane.

Argument What it does
size 2D XY size of the patch.
N Degree of the patch to generate. Since this is flat, a degree of 1 should usually be sufficient.
orient The orientation to rotate the edge patch into. Use the ORIENT constants in BOSL/constants.scad.
trans Amount to translate patch, after rotating to orient.


patch = bezier_patch_flat(size=[100,100], N=3);
trace_bezier_patches([patch], size=1, showcps=true);

bezier_patch_flat() Example



  • patch_reverse(patch)

Description: Reverses the patch, so that the faces generated from it are flipped back to front.

Argument What it does
patch The patch to reverse.



  • patch_translate(patch, v)

Description: Translates all coordinates in a rectangular or triangular patch by a given amount.

Argument What it does
patch The patch to translate.
v Vector to translate by.



  • patch_scale(patch, v, [cp])

Description: Scales all coordinates in a rectangular or triangular patch by a given amount.

Argument What it does
patch The patch to scale.
v [X,Y,Z] scaling factors.
cp Centerpoint to scale around.



  • patch_rotate(patch, a, [cp])
  • patch_rotate(patch, a, v, [cp])

Description: Rotates all coordinates in a rectangular or triangular patch by a given amount.

Argument What it does
patch The patch to rotate.
a Rotation angle(s) in degrees.
v Vector axis to rotate round.
cp Centerpoint to rotate around.



  • patches_translate(patch, v, [cp])

Description: Translates all coordinates in each of a list of rectangular or triangular patches.

Argument What it does
patches List of patches to translate.
v Vector to translate by.



  • patches_scale(patch, v, [cp])

Description: Scales all coordinates in each of a list of rectangular or triangular patches.

Argument What it does
patches List of patches to scale.
v [X,Y,Z] scaling factors.
cp Centerpoint to scale around.



  • patches_rotate(patch, a, [cp])
  • patches_rotate(patch, a, v, [cp])

Description: Rotates all coordinates in each of a list of rectangular or triangular patches.

Argument What it does
patches List of patches to rotate.
a Rotation angle(s) in degrees.
v Vector axis to rotate round.
cp Centerpoint to rotate around.



  • bezier_surface(patches, [splinesteps], [vertices], [faces]);

Description: Calculate vertices and faces for forming a (possibly partial) polyhedron from the given rectangular and triangular bezier patches. Returns a list containing two elements. The first is the list of unique vertices. The second is the list of faces, where each face is a list of indices into the list of vertices. You can chain calls to this, to add more vertices and faces for multiple bezier patches, to stitch them together into a complete polyhedron.

Argument What it does
patches A list of rectangular bezier patches.
tris A list of triangular bezier patches.
splinesteps Number of steps to divide each bezier segment into. Default: 16
vertices Vertex list to add new points to. Default: []
faces Face list to add new faces to. Default: []


patch1 = [
	[[18,18,0], [33,  0,  0], [ 67,  0,  0], [ 82, 18,0]],
	[[ 0,40,0], [ 0,  0,100], [100,  0, 20], [100, 40,0]],
	[[ 0,60,0], [ 0,100,100], [100,100, 20], [100, 60,0]],
	[[18,82,0], [33,100,  0], [ 67,100,  0], [ 82, 82,0]],
patch2 = [
	[[18,18,0], [33,  0,  0], [ 67,  0,  0], [ 82, 18,0]],
	[[ 0,40,0], [ 0,  0,-50], [100,  0,-50], [100, 40,0]],
	[[ 0,60,0], [ 0,100,-50], [100,100,-50], [100, 60,0]],
	[[18,82,0], [33,100,  0], [ 67,100,  0], [ 82, 82,0]],
vnf = bezier_surface(patches=[patch1, patch2], splinesteps=16);
polyhedron(points=vnf[0], faces=vnf[1]);

bezier_surface() Example

6. Bezier Surface Modules


Description: Takes a list of two or more bezier patches and attempts to make a complete polyhedron from them.

Argument What it does
patches A list of rectangular bezier patches.
tris A list of triangular bezier patches.
vertices Vertex list for additional non-bezier faces. Default: []
faces Additional non-bezier faces. Default: []
splinesteps Number of steps to divide each bezier segment into. Default: 16


patch1 = [
	[[18,18,0], [33,  0,  0], [ 67,  0,  0], [ 82, 18,0]],
	[[ 0,40,0], [ 0,  0, 20], [100,  0, 20], [100, 40,0]],
	[[ 0,60,0], [ 0,100, 20], [100,100,100], [100, 60,0]],
	[[18,82,0], [33,100,  0], [ 67,100,  0], [ 82, 82,0]],
patch2 = [
	[[18,18,0], [33,  0,  0], [ 67,  0,  0], [ 82, 18,0]],
	[[ 0,40,0], [ 0,  0,-50], [100,  0,-50], [100, 40,0]],
	[[ 0,60,0], [ 0,100,-50], [100,100,-50], [100, 60,0]],
	[[18,82,0], [33,100,  0], [ 67,100,  0], [ 82, 82,0]],
bezier_polyhedron([patch1, patch2], splinesteps=8);

bezier_polyhedron() Example



  • trace_bezier_patches(patches, [size], [showcps], [splinesteps]);
  • trace_bezier_patches(tris, [size], [showcps], [splinesteps]);
  • trace_bezier_patches(patches, tris, [size], [showcps], [splinesteps]);

Description: Shows the surface, and optionally, control points of a list of bezier patches.

Argument What it does
patches A list of rectangular bezier patches.
tris A list of triangular bezier patches.
splinesteps Number of steps to divide each bezier segment into. default=16
showcps If true, show the controlpoints as well as the surface.
size Size to show control points and lines.


patch1 = [
	[[15,15,0], [33,  0,  0], [ 67,  0,  0], [ 85, 15,0]],
	[[ 0,33,0], [33, 33, 50], [ 67, 33, 50], [100, 33,0]],
	[[ 0,67,0], [33, 67, 50], [ 67, 67, 50], [100, 67,0]],
	[[15,85,0], [33,100,  0], [ 67,100,  0], [ 85, 85,0]],
patch2 = [
	[[15,15,0], [33,  0,  0], [ 67,  0,  0], [ 85, 15,0]],
	[[ 0,33,0], [33, 33,-50], [ 67, 33,-50], [100, 33,0]],
	[[ 0,67,0], [33, 67,-50], [ 67, 67,-50], [100, 67,0]],
	[[15,85,0], [33,100,  0], [ 67,100,  0], [ 85, 85,0]],
trace_bezier_patches(patches=[patch1, patch2], splinesteps=8, showcps=true);

trace_bezier_patches() Example

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